#7- Surprising My Family

Start from the beginning

I really don't believe in love. I guess that's kinda an understatement. The two people that were supposed to love me the most, and protect me, were never there for me. One died when I was little, and after that my mother became an abusive alcoholic. She wanted me dead, and she told me that all the time. She said it was because I reminded her of my father. She said she couldn't kill me because she didn't want to go to prison. She hated me the most, hurt me the most. I can see why Chris would still believe in love. He was too young to really remember it all. If Chris believes in it, I'm not going to crush his dreams.

"I'm starving" I say out of no where.

"Me too. I could go for some HuHot" Chris says.

"Oh yeah" HuHot is for sure my favorite restaurant, and it's somewhere our family used to go all the time before I left, "let's go get mom and go"


We got back from HuHot a couple of hours ago. We're just sitting in the living room, watching some Big Bang Theory. Which is something else we all used to do as a family before I left.

"How's Washington? How's your roommate?" My mom asks.

"I love Washington, I love the little town and I love the rain. And my Cara is amazing. I'm honestly so glad I didn't get stuck with someone else. She's so nice and the people she hangs out with are so nice too" I explain. Yeah

I look to Chris, noticing he looks upset. He stands abruptly and leaves.

"What's wrong with him?" I ask my mom.

"I don't know, why don't you go find out?" She says.

I stand and follow in Chris's footsteps. I walk into his room, but don't see him. I notice his window is open and he is sitting outside of it on the roof. I walk over and climb out next to him.

"Hey" I say.


"What's up? Why'd you leave?" I ask.

"It's just..." he starts.


"I'm jealous and upset that you get to get away. Away from this town. Yes I was young when we were adopted. That doesn't mean I don't remember everything. The horrible things she did to you" he says referring to our biological mother, "I know you were the one that was stabbed," I flinch, remembering that night, it was an awful night, but it was also the best because that was close to the end.


I walk into the kitchen as fast as I can, not meeting her eyes.

"Yes mother?"

"You didn't do the dishes like I told you to" she seethes.

"I'm very sorry mother, I'll do them right now" I rush the words out of my mouth.

"NO" she screams slamming her hand on the table, making me flinch and the dishes rattle, "it's too late for that, you little bitch, it's time for your punishment. GET OVER HERE NOW"

"I'm sorry" I mutter, as a tear slips down my cheek.


She grips the hair on the back of my head, yanking my eyes to meet hers.


I hesitate, scared to speak, scared to breathe.

In a split second, she grabs a dirty knife off the counter and stabs it into my side.  This isn't the first time she's stabbed me. Pain shoots through the side of my body. She pulls it out and jabs it in again.

And again.

And again.

...and again.

"I hope you fucking die" she whispers in my ear before I collapse.

Uncontrollably my eyes flutter shut and everything goes black.

"but I was there and watched you bleed out. Not able to do anything. I didn't know if you were going to make it. I know it's not nearly as bad as what you experience, but it was the worst thing I've ever experienced. Everything from our awful childhood brings back memories. That bridge..." he chokes up.

I wrap my arm around his shoulder.

"I have to drive past it everyday" he finally musters.

That bridge was the main reason I had to leave.

I look out over the river as we drive across. It's just Chris, her, and I in the car. I'm sitting in the passenger seat because she doesn't like Chris and I talking to each other.

"You like the water?" She asks sickly, obviously drunk.

I nod my head.

"I asked you a question, ANSWER ME!"

"Y-yes I like the water" I respond quietly.

"Oh yeah, well you can join it"

Before I can register what she said, we are flying over the edge of the bridge. The car hits the water like a brick wall. Causing my body to be thrown forward.

I shake my head to clear it. Unable to go through the memory again.

I quickly swipe my finger under my left eye, catching a tear.

"Sorry for bringing it up" Chris whispers.

"No it's okay. I just haven't thought about it for a while. I get what you mean. Do it for mom. Mom needs you. Maybe someday we'll convince mom to move. But for now, we just have to get through it. I know I ran from my problems. But you shouldn't. You are stronger than I ever was." I look over at Chris and smile, "I love you"

He smiles back, "I love you too"

"Now what do you say we get back in there? I'm only here for so long."

I stand up and extend my hand towards Chris. He grabs it and I help him up. One at a time we crawl back through the window and join my mom back downstairs.

"Are you guys good?" Mom asks.

I look to Chris. He catches my eye and nods his head. "Yeah"


"Bye, I love you." I say as I hug Chris.

I go back to Washington today. I release Chris and go to my mom, I hold her tight.

"I'll see you guys soon, I love you"

"I love you so much, study hard. Enjoy your life" my mom tells me, as she plants a kiss to my cheek.

"I will" I say.

"Don't sleep with guys" Chris says as he hugs me again.

"You know I never have" I remind him.

"I know, and don't start now. Guys suck"

"Tell me about it."

"I love you" Chris tells me.

"I love you too" I grin Bruno's leash in one hand, and the handle of my suitcase in the other. I turn and walk towards my gate, once I get there I turn back around and release my hand on my backpack in order to wave to my family.

I really miss seeing them everyday.

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