♡ Reunited at last ♡

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Okay so chapters from this one onwards are set in Korea - unless I state otherwise -because I want to do more chapters with the other members.

Long chapter ahead.

Also, i want to apologise for the mistakes I make during these chapters. I write the majority of these chapters when I'm supposed to be sleeping and on my phone. I'm no professional, these
books are for fun and thats it. Plus I'm British, some spellings are different. I just wanted to explain that because I've been having a bit of anxiety when I post chapters thinking people hate them because of the mistakes, just needed to get that off my chest

Chaehyun had been home less than 6 minutes and his first greeting was with Eleven - he literally ignored his entire family and went straight for his dog. Returning back to the dorm was eventful because when he opened his bedroom door he found the Dreamies sprawled across his bed grinning at him. He placed Eleven down in her bed and opened his arms. He almost fell backwards as the five boys practically jumped on him. In all honesty, he was surprised they even hugged him. Usually, they just push him and tell him that he's ugly.

"So this confirms that I'm your favourite Hyung right?" He asked as they pulled away, each holding a sickened expression as they exited the room. The only person who stayed was Jisung. Chaehyun placed his hand on the back of Jisung's head and quirked an eyebrow. "Okay, you might think you're a big boy now, but we both know you don't wanna leave my side yet 'cause you've missed me."

Chaehyun was proven to be correct as Jisung launched himself back into his arms. Chaehyun stumbled slightly, quickly catching the younger boy before a triumphant grin spread across his face. The Maknae stuffed his face into Chaehyun's chest, tightening his grip on the older member which made Chaehyun frown slightly. Had Jisung missed him that much?

"It's been terrible without you here. I've had nobody to get me out of situations I don't wanna be in and I have had to spend my own money! Hyung never leave again I don't think I can handle it." Jisung clutched the front of Chaehyun's shirt dramatically earning an eye roll from the older member who pulled away.

"So the only reason you're excited to have me back is because you want my money and my - iconic - ways of getting you out of certain situations? Not because you just missed having me around?"

Jisung scrunched up his nose. "Ew no, that's cringe."

The younger boy then left Chaehyun's room leaving him standing there with a blank yet betrayed expression on his face. So the only reason Jisung missed him was because he needed him for his own gain. His eyes shifted to Eleven who was staring up at him with her big, loving eyes.

"You missed my love and cuddles, right?"

Eleven jumped up onto her feet and trotted out of the room causing Chaehyun to just nod.


Day morphed to night, Chaehyun found himself sitting on in the practise room with WayV. Hendery sprawled across his lap and Ten resting on his shoulder. It had been a long day of unpacking, working and tending to a very needy dog.

Chaehyun had literally been at the company to get his jacket which he had left there months ago when Ten saw him and literally marched out of the room, lifted him off of his feet and carried him into the room and Lucas literally tackled him.

❛ 𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐥𝐚𝐧. 𝗇𝖼𝗍 𝖺𝖽𝖽𝖾𝖽 𝗆𝖾𝗆𝖻𝖾𝗋Where stories live. Discover now