👻 Exploring 👻

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A/n; I have no idea where this came from, I was bored and wanted to do write so here we are. I think I've been watching way too much Sam And Colby. 
- All information is made up and so is 'Ry'. 

This takes place before Chaehyun's grandfather got rushed to the hospital.


"Seriously? You're pairing me with the one person who will intentionally try and get possessed by a ghost?" Mark whined, eyes wide as Chaehyun skipped towards him with an excited grin before throwing an arm around his shoulder. Mark glanced towards him before turning back to the rest of the group with pleading eyes. "Yeah, no. This is not happening." 

"Oh come on, Mark. You have more chance of surviving with me." Chaehyun rolled his eyes, pulling his arm away from the younger boy who shook his shoulders and straightened his outfit out. 

"Chae, you might be the biggest sceptic and not scared of this stuff but that's possibly the worst thing that can happen because you're you. You will try to piss off a ghost," Yuta added causing Taeyong to grab onto Johnny before whipping around to face the younger boy who was walking with his hood up and hands in his pockets. Chaehyun stopped at the sudden finger pointed towards him. 

"If you intentionally try to anger ghosts - which you will because you're Chaehyun - then I will make sure that you join it in the afterlife," Taeyong warned. 

Chaehyun snorted and kicked the gravel beneath his feet. The group neared the entrance of a huge dark hospital that had boarded up all around it. Standing in front of it was a man seemingly in his fifties waving them over. Chaehyun shared a look with Sicheng and chewed his gum, feet scuffing against the floor as they walked. The boys were definitely scared and by the way, Mark grabbed onto his arm it seemed like he was the only one left unbothered by it. 

NCT127 had been invited to go explore an abandoned hospital which was supposedly haunted. Of course, Chaehyun wasn't convinced since he was the biggest sceptic when it came to ghosts and stuff but he was also the most daring, so he was up for anything. He knew if someone had to try and 'contact' a spirt, he would be the one pushed forward. They had their cameramen with them to film this for an NCTdaily video. 

"Hello everyone! I am Ry, I will be your guide for this tour, it's nice to meet you all." The guide greeted and Chaehyun only nodded in response whilst the others said their greetings. "So, before we head inside I just want to give you guys some background information on this place. So, this hospital closed down in the early 2000s after it was 'exposed' for nurses and doctors killing their patients. Over 140 people died here by murder which is way too many, it was said that the killings were going on for years before it was finally exposed."

Chaehyun glanced at Taeyong who's mouth was open, horrified. Everyone was, the history was extremely dark and even Chaehyun didn't feel comfortable entering. It wasn't long before the group were heading inside. The place was semi-cleaned up, but it was blatantly obvious that it was abandoned with the emptiness and the tearing of what was left on the walls. Mark and Chaehyun were standing close to the back, Chaehyun had no interest in being at the front. Mark was petrified of being at the back, so he slowly slid closer to the older boy.

"So this place is haunted?" Chaehyun clarified as the group came to a stop and parted so Ry could stand in the middle. Hearing him speak, Ry turned around and a sinister smile swiped across his features causing Chaehyun to quirk an eyebrow at the sudden change of demeanour. He seemed to cool up until that moment. 


"Oh great, yeah we're all gonna die," Doyoung sighed. 

Suddenly, a large bang sounded from down the hall causing the entire group to flinch. All the guys turned to glare at Chaehyun who's mouth dropped open. He held his hands up in defence, eyes full of innocence. "That was not me if it was then I woul--" Another bang. "See, you were all looking at me. I want a written apology from each of you, on my bed by Sunday. It needs to be at least 500 words and must include how great of a person I am. Along with some money, I only accept bills." 

"So, those two bangs that you just heard were not your friend over here but instead the ghost of a woman named Delilah Song. She was an apparent victim of the murders and those bangs that you heard are her slamming herself against her cell, yes they locked them up in cells, trying to escape." The boy's mouths dropped open, fear circling in their eyes. Chaehyun chewed on his gum and turned to the direction in which the bangs had sounded before shrugging and turning back to his friends.

Johnny chuckled nervously. "That's not scary at all." 

"So, they locked their patients up in cells? How was that not found out sooner?" Asked Taeil, interest swirling in his eyes. 

Ry sighed. "Well, the cells are located down in the basement. Nobody knew about the basement and if someone was heard screaming, they just assumed that it was a patient in some type of pain. This is a hospital after all." 

The group began to manoeuvre their way through the hospital, only hearing a few sounds here and there until they were down in the basement. Every single member, including some staff, gave Chaehyun a warning glance causing the boy to just giggle to himself and head down the steps. There was air was eerie and cold, it was uncomfortable to be in having known the events that took place there. 

The second everybody was loaded into the room, strange noises began to happen which once again, everybody blamed on Chaehyun. But then, the loudest bang they had ever heard sounded and they knew for definite that it wasn't Chaehyun. Even the guide looked terrified and swiftly directed them out of the basement, it wasn't going to go as far as forcing them out of the hospital until several more bangs followed. 

"Okay, they don't want us in her--" Before the guide could finish his sentence, another loud bang shook the walls and that was enough for the group to start running. Chaehyun wasn't too convinced but it had caught him off guard. He was the last to leave the hospital. The boys stood around breathless and the staffs glanced at each other unsure. "Okay so it looks like we have to cut the tour short, it seems as though we weren't supposed to be in there and it's far too dangerous if we continue." 

Yeah right. I call bullshit. Though Chaehyun didn't voice his thoughts, he did do a small eye roll which nobody caught. 

"Alright well, for all the times you blamed the noises on me, I expect an 800 worded letter saying how sexy, amazing and awesome I am. I also want to hear how I have oh so positively impacted your lives. Once again, money will be accepted but only bills. Thank you and goodbye." 


I have no idea what this was, I hope you enjoyed though. 

Thank you for your support! 

You are appreciated <3


- Blue x

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