ch. 40

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As I closed my eyes , feeling the darkness come upon me, covering the moonlight that hit my face.
I want to end this, all the pain and suffering.

I slowly drifted off to sleep , letting tears fall down my cheeks once again that I had not noticed. But Mir noticed, feeling his thumb softly wipe away the wet spots on my cheeks. Too sad & too tired to open my eyes to face him, I laid still letting myself go to sleep.


I woke by myself remembering last night and immediately felt depressed again. Footsteps came close to my door and then Mir opened the door.

"get up , your making me pressed" he said looking at me pout.

"get up to where?" i ask

"we'll go see a funny movie , so you can laugh FOR ONCE" He says laughing.

I didn't laugh nor do i feel like laughing.
Nahmir walks over to me and pulls my arm and my body up from off of my bed.

"come on alaya" he says struggling to get me up

"okay , okay . I'll get up" i say

"yayyyyy" he says clapping, cheesing as big as he can.

"take a shower , you need it" he says holding his nose together with 2 fingers.

"boy bye." i respond.

I get in the shower and after i put on a casual outfit.
A tank top , cardigan and plain jeans.

"come on let's go" nahmir said grabbing my hand and walking out the door

"why didn't you get my keys" I ask him .

"because we're walking dipshit" he says laughing

"ugh omg" i say.

The walk was quiet , but we went to
the cafe across the street from the movie to grab drinks before we go in.

Because HUNNY , who is paying $7 for a small sized drink? not me.

We walk into the theater and get our tickets checked and walk to the theater, (the movie can be any comedy movie you want. I just don't know what to put).

The movie was good and it did cheer me up.
"see look at yo lil fine ass smile" nahmir says while pinching my cheeks.

we walk out and walk past this alley or road.
i turn my head to the right just to look away but i look back again twice because i saw something that caught my eye.

colson, brandon, nick, and zion.

| A U T H O R S N O T E |


PRAY YOU CATCH ME | zion kuwono Where stories live. Discover now