ch. 1

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I woke up at 6:00 I have to be at school by 7:50. me thinking of my first day at my new school is terrifying. I'm not tryna impress anybody so I picked out an outfit before I got into the shower. it consists of a Nike windbreaker, leggings, and white Nike Presto.
I turned on my shower and got in, it took me about 25 minutes to wash my body and my hair. once I got out I threw on my towel and brushed my hair and put on some leave-in conditioner and Cantu. I went back into my room turned on my Spotify playlist. I put on a clean bra and underwear, slipped on my leggings, put on a tank top and over that I put on my windbreaker, and my gold chain my dad got for me a long time ago. "I can't believe it still fits" I whispered to myself while I looked at myself in the body mirror I have in my room. I slipped on my socks and shoes, grabbed my headphones and my keys and walked to school. I have a car but since school is like 5 mins away I decided to walk.
When I got to school I looked at my schedule and my first class was calculus. I walked into the classroom and saw a kid with dark black hair short cut kinda with glasses, he looks kinda Asian 😂. next to him was a fine ass boy with blonde dreds he was staring at me as I walked in, creeeeppyy lol.

I found a seat in the back 3 seats over from the cute kid with dreds. I looked at the door and in comes another kid kinda tan, he looks Puerto Rican or Dominican I like his style. he sits down next to the kid with glasses and they start to talk. 5 or 6 minutes later the teacher walks in and yells "OKAY CLASS!! WE HAVE A NEW STUDENT" I think he realized that he was loud and quieted down.

His eyes move to me and say "would you like to introduce yourself to the class?"
I sighed and stood up "I'm Alaya, I moved from Wisconsin to here because I'm a model tryna make, i- um yea..... I moved here with my manager it's pretty nice so far," I said. everyone just stared at me, some girl smiled and another girl laughed. damn this year is gonna be rough.

| A U T H O R S N O T E |
how did y'all like ?? lemme know ima be updating a lot tonight. hope y'all enjoy 😉.

PRAY YOU CATCH ME | zion kuwono Where stories live. Discover now