ch. 24

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zion grabbed my neck and pushed my up against the wall....
i had to begun to realize what the fuck was happening when my head slammed back the wall. zion had strong furious eyes and he wouldn't let go of me no matter how i hard i kicked and hit him or hard hard edwin tried to pull him off, you could tell zion really felt anger towards me.

"ZION LET GO SHE CANT BREATHE" edwin shouted while i'm gasping for air.
i see black spots and then i seen zion let go and cry. edwin put him outside and when he got back inside he hugged me and hugged me until he couldn't hold on anymore.

i felt shattered , my one and only gift let that zion didn't break he ruined. My family is the only think left that i really have. i can't begin to imagine if i lost them.

i guess zion had left bc he never came back in
edwin stayed with me all night, he rubbed my back until i went to sleep. i am beyond greatful for these boys including zion but at the same time i hate them like frfr.
they caused me so much pain , i can't focus on school anymore and my career went down the drain.

PRAY YOU CATCH ME | zion kuwono Where stories live. Discover now