eleven. menopause

Start from the beginning


"Reservation for Five please?" Five asked at the counter of a five star hotel. This was one of the perks of being the handler's favorite team. She gave everything to the pair. Unlike the other co-op teams that were stuck in crappy motels, they had five star hotels.

"Thank you," Five stated as the room key was given to him. The pair traveled to the third floor, and immediately plopped down on the king size bed that was in the middle.

"I'm tired," Eight mumbled, pushing herself deeper into the cushions. Five smiled and hugged the woman with his two arms. "We're leaving quite early tomorrow, love. I think it's best if you'll get a good night's sleep." he mumbled.

Eight nodded before closing her eyes, letting the sleep drift unto her.


A five year old Number Eight walked into the room that Reginald Hargreeves was in. Eight looked around at her surroundings, scared of the environment around her. It was her first time figuring out what her power really was, and she wasn't ready.

At first, Eight was trained with a gun starting with the age of four. She had mastered the skills in less than a year. Suddenly, things just started to randomly float around Eight, and the girl would just randomly write the words "Akahnitamud." everywhere. Whenever he would question the young girl about the mysterious words, she would just shrug.

"Number Eight. Listen to me. Today is one of your designated training days. I want you to focus on this wine glass and throw it into that wall." Hargreeves stated, taking out his notebook. Eight nodded and started to focus on the glass, she did it with all her might, but nothing was happening.

Hargreeves thought for a moment. Maybe that mysterious word was the key to triggering her power.

"Akahnitamud." Reginald had said out loud, causing Eight to suddenly hiss out in pain. It felt as if there was a force escaping her body, trying so hard to escape. "Number Eight!" Reginald called out, causing Eight's head to snap towards the man's direction.

"What?" she had asked in a high pitched voice, a voice that didn't belong to her. A dark shadow suddenly raised above Eight's body, then it came engulfing her as a whole. Eight screamed out in pain, as she had felt that her body was being eaten alive. The shadow was around her body, then Reginald had noticed that her hair started to turn into a really dark color, and her eyes started to lose it's color. The living creature in her body started laughing manically. The pain was endless. Her body felt like it was being ripped off piece by—

"Love!" Five shook Eight by the shoulders as she woke up. "Y-you were shaking and whimpering so much. I had to wake you up." he stated and started moving around his bed. "Do you want a cup of water?" he acquired. Eight gave him a small nod before Five had left her sight.

How come I started dreaming of the academy again?

Five came rushing in with a warm cup of water. Eight thanked him before gulping the whole glass down.

"Um.. it's also time to kill Kennedy."


"... Dallas Love Field, the Dallas Forth Worth are area broadcasters, brining you a special description of the arrival of President John F. Kennedy."

Eight was just there for lookout, and Five held a sniper on one hand. He was aiming at the President's head, just like they always did. This was a method they used to ensure that they were dead, and they stayed that way.

"And the crowd yells as the president of the United States..."

Five was aiming at the man's head. Eight was focusing on another task at hand, and she had just suddenly realized something.

"Five." she spoke out loud. Five was thinking of the same thing. None of them knew if there was something that triggered both of them to suddenly know it, but they did.

"D equals to Eleven and Nine." Eight spoke out loud. Five nodded and went to look down at his arms. Electricity started whirring, a blue hue was appearing out of his hands.

After creating the portal, Five looked at his equations again just to double check. A fire extinguisher was thrown out of the portal.

"It worked, Love." Eight smiled and held Five's hand. The man sighed. "Do you really want to do this? Break the contract?"

"I want it."

Five adults appeared out of the portal, giving Eight a huge smile. Eight held Five's hand as they started to walk into the portal. The force was definitely really strong, but they managed to push farther into the portal until they landed on the ground with a thud.

"Ouch." Eight mumbled, before gulping as she heard her voice. She helped Five get up, and as soon as they were face to face with each other, the same look of dissatisfaction was plastered onto their faces.

"I was about to have my menopause! I'm going to go through that shit again?" Eight whispered into Five's ear, luckily no one had heard that. The suit she was wearing was now hanging onto her body like a loose piece of clothing. Five's suit was one or two sizes to big for him.

They went to face the adults in front of them, and as expected, it was their family.

"Does anyone see little Number Five and Eight, or is it just me?"

Five looked at his body again, while looking at Eight's. They both stared at each other for a few seconds.


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