He Flirts With You

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"Awww look at them flirting it's so cute" one girl says making everyone aww & I kinda get uncomfortable & shy because I didn't know any of them & they just put me on the spot. & yeah we were flirting hard. When we were play Ansel playfully hit the sides of my thighs & then now this.

His friends started clearing away & many of them yell let's give them some privacy & it. Just really got awkward. Then mind you Ansel still had me wrapped in his arms. We then were just sloppily walked to the little bench. One of his friends came to give him & I a water bottle & then left us alone making it really awkward.

"I didn't know you are good at basketball your better than my friend Aaron over there" Ansel said after taking a gulp of his water.

"I told you I love sports" I said

"You really mean what you say" Ansel said flashing me a smile

"That was fun." I said

"It was " Ansel said

"I won't tell anyone you got beat by a girl" I said teasing him

"I let you win sweetheart...next time beautiful" Ansel said

"Yeah right ...yeah ok...you knew I was going to make that shot so you covered it up only to make it look like you were letting me win..your not slick" I tease him again making us both laugh

"Believe what you want sweetheart the way I see it we both won....now let's go get some food" Ansel said quickly covering up that first part...& what exactly did he mean by that...i really hate when guys do that they always make you read into something & make you go crazy.

We went to go enjoy the food. I met everyone & they are all so nice. I met Ansel's brother and sister & his mom & uncle. Everyone there were some friends from high school or his cousins. We all talked and got to know each other. I was talking to his sister Sophie & then he wrapped his arm around my shoulder & jumped into conversation. We basically were flirting. I was basically by his side somehow the whole time. when it was time for me to go a bit earlier than everyone els because I have an early morning tomorrow so I couldn't be out all night. I'll shoot myself tomorrow if I did. So I called it a night early. I said goodnight to everyone & then Ansel walked me to my car.

"I'm so glad you came over & spent some times with me" Ansel said

"Me too...I had so much fun...I would be staying later if I didn't have an early morning tomorrow " I said

"I know but it's ok...we will get to hang out some more really soon" Ansel said

"I can rest peacefully tonight knowing that I won in 50" I said teasing him making him laugh

"I'll always let you win" Ansel said & then he gave me a look & I mean the look. That look every hot guy does yeah that look.

"Oh really" I said then rolling my eyes playfully at him

"Oh that's right" Ansel said

"Whatever Ans...im leaving give me a hug goodbye loser" I said teasing him

Ansel pulls me into his arms. I rest my head into his next since leans fully into me to hug me. We are hugging for awhile basically in a little cuddle.

"Your so soft & cuddly like a pillow" Ansel said making me giggle

"You know your tickling me with your eyelashes...why are you blinking so much while laughing " Ansel said

"I don't know stop making me laugh" I said

"I like your laugh...its funny" Ansel said

I just blush & I hid my face deeper into his shoulder. Were having a cute moment here & it's clear what he meant earlier. He wanted to hold me earlier...how cheeky.

"Please drive home safely...& call me NOT text me CALL me when your in bed so I know your safe please?" Ansel said whispering in my ear

"I will geez you overprotective giant" I said teasing him

"Call me ok" Ansel said

"Ok I will call you" I said letting go of him & then unlocking my door to get in & Ansel opens it being a gentleman.

"Don't forget ok or I'm going to come over myself to check on you...don't have me thinking something bad happened to you" Ansel said

"I will ok I promise to call you" I said as I get in.

"Good...see you soon" Ansel said then shutting my door. I drive off back home. of course I make it back safely & I call him to let him know I'm ok & I'm home. We talked for a bit & then we hung up so I can sleep. I definitely felt good going to sleep & I can't lie Ansel was the last thing I thought about before I went to sleep.

Ansel Elgort ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora