Chapter 42 - Entrance.

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I was still on the couch when I heard a knocking on the door. Marvin stood up, murmuring something to himself as I watched him. I was so tired I ended up falling asleep even before he came to the door. I rolled onto my other side, closing my eyes as I heard the magician unlock the door. Another noise made me open my eyes back, I rolled back to look at the door but Marvin was nowhere to be found. I could only assume I fell asleep for a while and that is why the man wasn't there anymore... but there was still knocking on the door. I wanted to get up, but I couldn't move any of my limbs, feeling exhausted I watched the door.

"What is it now?" A low hiss sounded in the room as Marvin walked towards the door. My thoughts were scrambled from the tiredness that took over me but I could swear that was the exact same thing he murmured before. The man unlocked the door, swinging it over as a bright light blinded me. I could make a man's figure standing at the entrance but nothing more. I closed my eyes, hoping for the light to go away.

The next time I woke up, Marvin was sitting beside me.

"... who was at the door?..." I asked weakly.

"What are you talking about?" He asked back. I looked up at him, but my eyesight was so blurry I couldn't even see his face.

A light knocking made me look back at the door. I was about to open my mouth when I realized someone was opening the door from the outside. I watched the wooden door fly open as light blinded me, squinting I managed to see a person's figure... but the more I watched the less human-like it was. The limbs grew longer, arms almost touching the floor. The waist got inhumanly narrow as the creature hunched down, unable to support its weight.

I tried to look back at Marvin but I couldn't move my neck, only watching the creature as it eyed me. Eyes shining white... or were those just holes?... I closed my eyes, hoping to wake up before anything else were to happen. But when I opened my eyes I was still laying in the same spot, the door opening on its own although this time- there was no one there. I looked up, seeing a dark, almost shadow-like creature hovering above me as it stared at me. I tried turning away but my eyes were glued, forcing me to keep looking at whatever that was I was seeing.

I woke up from someone shaking me and sat up and looked around... there was no one else in the computer room. I felt a shiver run through me as I was gasping for air, I was trying my best not to panic but seeing how badly my body was shaking took the best out of me. I felt a hand on my shoulder, turning around almost relieved I released a strangled scream as I was pinned down to the floor. My body was hurting from the impact but my mind was too preoccupied with the two white eyes in front of me, silhouette blocking my view as it leaned closer. I tried shaking out of its grasp but I felt claws firmly holding me down, making a warm liquid drip down my body.


I opened my eyes when I felt someone shake me. "You were thrashing in your sleep..." Marvin looked at me. I sat up slowly. "What happened?" He asked.

Tears gathered in my eyes immediately. "A nightmare..." I muttered weakly. My voice was coarse, my body was shaking from the sheer panic I was recovering from.

The magician looked lost as to what to do, deciding to wait for me to collect my thoughts. I didn't think twice as I took his hand, darkness emitting from my hands right after.

"What is that?" He asked.

"I... need to calm down..." I muttered, shaking.

Marvin remained silent, letting me do whatever. I closed my eyes, concentrating on my breathing.

"Do you need me to do anything?" Marvin asked.

"Don't try to be nice." I hissed, intersecting my fingers with his as the darkness only gotten boarder.

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