Chapter 94 - Similarities.

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I was tossing around in my sleep that night. Nightmares were spinning in my mind, same old distorted hallucinations. Light kept flashing in my mind over and over until a sharp noise made me jolt awake.

The room was silent.

But the realization that even that sound was only in my mind made me burst into tears.

I was in sheer panic, curling up on the couch as I buried my face in my hands.

"Alona?" I heard Dusk beside me. "Alona, what's wrong?" I barely felt her hand on my shoulder through my shaking and crying. I heard footsteps rush out the room and soon two pairs rushed back towards me.

A hand grabbed my shoulder and forced me to roll onto my back. I removed my hands from my face, sniffing when I saw a figure in front of me. My vision was blurry because of the tears but the greenish hair served as a good indicator of who was in front of me.

"What's wrong?" Anti spoke.

I closed my eyes again, my entire body was aching and all I wanted to do was to curl back up. I felt a cold hand on my forehead for a moment before it withdrew.

"She's running a fever." Anti sighed, stepping back to tell Dusk something. I opened my eyes back up when I felt someone step closer to me again. "Do you think you can go back to sleep?" He asked.

I shook my head, feeling my tears roll down my face and onto the couch. I heard a sigh above me and the couch shifted slightly as the man sat on it. "And if I stay here? Will you try to sleep?" Anti asked.

I nodded slightly, turning onto my side so he had more space to sit and closed my eyes. "t-tHank you..."

"Don't sweat it." Another sigh.


I opened my eyes, flinching when someone approached me. "I-I'm sorry I didn't mean to wake you up..." Dusk stepped back, her hands holding a necklace as though she was about to put it around my neck.

"What's tHis?" I asked.

"It's a protective talisman... I thought it could help you..." She explained, getting closer again and letting me observe the gemstone. It was as dark as the void, decorated by silver strings.

"sUre." I leaned forward, letting her put the necklace on me as I kept observing it.

"You should go back to sleep." She smiled. "It's still really early... Your fever came down but you still need to rest..." The girl explained.

I nodded, watching her as she left the room.


I couldn't fall back asleep. Staring out the window for what felt like hours I finally got up. I made my way downstairs and finally stopped by the main door when I realized the floor was freezing. Sighing I looked down, seeing I was barefoot.

"Going somewhere?" I heard behind me.

"cRow..." I muttered.

"So?" He smiled.

"don'T get in mY way." I hissed.

The man crossed his arms. "Jeez I have no idea how to deal with you." He chuckled. "But Anti told me to make sure you don't go anywhere while he's away..."

I stepped closer to the man, looking up at him. "leT me go."

"You had a fever just a few hours ago." He petted my head. "No way I'm letting you go anywhere on your own."

I huffed, hanging my head.

"Come on, let's go back upstairs..." Crow sighed, putting his arm around my shoulders.

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