Chapter 59 - Storm.

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"Why is it so cold here?" I hissed, wrapping my coat around me.

"That's a normal weather for here..." Crow shrugged. "You're originally from a warm country, aren't you?"

"Yeah..." I nodded.

'this is pretty warm' Marvin showed a card.

"How do you live like this..." I complained, feeling sick all of a sudden.

"What's wrong?" Crow looked at me.

I felt my skin crawl when I felt something push against my eye. I fell down, curling into a ball from the pain that ran through my body. Why now? I huffed, catching Sam when he fell out, seeing a greenish liquid drip onto the grass. I breathed heavily. "Sam, is everything okay?" I asked.

The Septiceye rose up from my hand, hovering in front of me and staring at me blankly.

"I think Anti tried to control him..." Crow helped me get up.

"So you left my body so he won't be able to do anything?" I asked, smiling softly when the Sam nodded.

"Thank you for helping us." Crow smiled at him.

Sam nodded again.


"Wake up..." Crow's voice interrupted my sleep.

"What is it?" I sat up, seeing my coat which I used as a blanket fall over.

"It's going to rain soon." Crow insisted. "We need to find a shelter-"

"What shelter?" I sighed. "We're in the middle of the fucking woods, Crow."

"There's an abandoned house not far from here... We can reach it if we go now." The man explained.

I got up, stretching as I looked around. "How the hell do you know that? The trees are blocking everything."

"Marvin climbed one of the trees." The demon smirked.

"Why did I bother asking..." I shrugged. "Where is he anyway?" I asked, feeling a tap on my shoulder, turning around I saw the magician smile underneath his mask at my confusion.


"So he's really not even looking for us..." I muttered as we passed by the trees. I had no idea for how long we've been walking, but I knew for sure that I didn't want to be outside when the rain starts.

"You expected something else?" Crow smiled bitterly.

I sighed, shrugging somewhat. "I guess I'm an optimist as well." I chuckled, glancing over at Marvin who smiled in return.

We've reached the abandoned house, looking around as we entered it. "Looks like there was no one here for a long time..." I muttered, placing my palm on my face as I tried to hold back a sneeze from all the dust.

"Yeah... Who knows what happened here." Crow agreed and dropped his bag to the floor. "But that means we have a shelter for now, so let's be grateful." He shrugged as the rain outside increased, sounding as though it wanted to pry the roof open.

Marvin also took off his bag as he sat on his knees, looking at the ceiling.

"This should be fine, it's high enough to start a fire." Crow nodded at him.

It wasn't long before the three of us were sitting in front of a make-shift fireplace, listening to the storm outside. Neither of us tried to start a conversation and instead we just remained silent, each busy with their own thoughts. I laid my coat on the floor, laying on top of it as I decided to rest while we can.

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