Chapter 2 - The void.

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I went back into the hallway, happy to see Emma and with her- Alisia, safe and sound.

"Is everything okay?" Emma asked.

I nodded as we started walking down the corridor.

"We really thought you were dead..." Alisia noted. "The investigation ended and they couldn't find you-"

"It doesn't matter now." Emma smiled slightly.

"What's important is that she's alright." I agreed.

A man blocked our path.

"What is it Crow?" Emma sighed.

Crow? But... I looked at the man. I thought I recognized him but I guess I was wrong.

"You're supposed to be at work." The man smiled.

"I know, I had some things to do-" The girl began.

"I'm sure the big shots are gonna be happy to hear that excuse." His smile grew.

"God, I'm going back to work, fine?" Emma sighed. "Show the girls around." She motioned towards us.

"I'm not a babysitter." The man hissed.

"You'll manage." Emma shrugged, hurrying to leave.

The man sighed, looking back at us.

"Eh, Robin-?" Alisia opened her mouth but froze when the man disappeared into a cloud of dust and reappeared right in front of us.

"Don't fucking ever call this name in this house." He hissed.

"I-I'm sorry." Alisia hurried to apologize.

"So your name is Crow?" I asked.

"Indeed." He smiled. "Let me show you around." Crow declared.

We followed the man until he stopped in the middle of the corridor.

"This over here is your bedroom, the bathroom is in the next door." He waved at the doors. "On this side it's the kitchen and... that's it. You don't need to know anything else." Crow shrugged.

"That is down this corridor?" I asked, pointing behind of the man.

"You don't need to know." He smiled. "Also you shouldn't go there if you don't want to die." Crow was awfully cheerful. "Maybe. I don't know." He added. "Speaking of which... can you two cook?" He asked.

Alisia and I exchanged surprised looks.

"Nevermind, I'll just see what there's to eat." Crow passed between us and entered the kitchen.


I was looking out the windows. No matter where I looked I only saw darkness.

"By the way..." Alisia began. "Did Anti tell you what your work is going to be?" She asked.

"More or less." I shrugged. "He said I can leave as long as I keep doing my job." I added.

"Yeah, Dark told me I can go back home when I have free time." Alisia nodded. "I don't get why Emma couldn't come back at all..."

"It's because of her job." Crow said, his mouth full. He swallowed his bite of the sandwich and continued. "Wait, you two don't even know ..." He noted. "Alright, follow me." He jumped off his chair, finishing his meal in a single bite.

We followed the man down an echoey corridor, entering a spacious room.

"This is the computer room." Crow explained. A few dark desks stood against one of the walls, having computers on top of them. On the other side of the room there was a fireplace, surrounded by leather couches. "But I'm sure the guys will explain you all of it later." He approached the double wooden door, swinging it open.

We followed the man outside, looking around.

There was a narrow paved road going from the house and leading somewhere, connecting with other roads. But while usually you'd expect to see grass or at least just ground around the roads, there was nothing. The pavement just cut off into nothing, looking like it was floating above an endless abyss.

The sky was black as well. As far as the horizon goes, there was nothing anywhere.

"Where... are we?" Alisia asked.

"The void." I muttered.

"Correct." Crow smiled, jumping onto a few rocks which were floating near the pavement. "A pretty boring place, if you ask me." He stepped onto other rocks, not even noticing the ones he used to stand on just fell into the nothing under his feet.

"This... doesn't even look like we're still in the same world..." Alisia mumbled.

"I don't think we are." I agreed, looking around.

"Didn't Emma tell you what's her job?" Crow asked, jumping pack onto the road.

We both shook our heads.

"You'll see then." He smiled.

We followed the man for quite a while, and even though he didn't look harmful in any way, Alisia and I started feeling uneasy.

"How much longer?" Alisia asked.

"We're almost there." Crow pointed forwards. We looked over, seeing an enormous gate, way higher than the average man.


"What are you guys doing here?" Emma asked.

She was wearing armor on top of her hoodie, shoulder plates along with a chest piece.

"I'm showing them around." Crow smiled.

"Are you like, guarding this gate?" I asked.

Emma nodded.

"What's on the other side of this gate?" Alisia asked, peeking in.

"The living world." Emma replied. "I am the keeper of the void."

Alisia and I couldn't hide our fascination.

We had no idea how much our lives were going to change.


(Concept art of the void)

(Concept art of the void)

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