Chapter 21 - Puppet.

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"Good, now let's make sure Sam didn't hit anything on the way in..." Anti leaned against his desk. I stared blankly as I couldn't move at all. "I've had them... accidentally bump into the brain of the controlled before... that wasn't a good time let me tell you that." He explained.

"Sit on the couch." He motioned. My body suddenly started moving as I sat down. "What is your name?" He asked, I assumed that was a part of the checkup and before I realized it, my mouth started talking.

"Around here I'm Alona, although I prefer the nickname witch." I replied.

"Good. What is your job?" He continued.

"My job is to obey master Anti, do my best to help him reach his goals." I replied without my consent again.

It was that moment that I realized, in that state when I had no control over my words he could get anything out of me... I couldn't hide anything. And it seemed that he realized that too.

"Do your friends know about your abilities?" He asked.

"They know close to none." I answered. "They think I have a highly developed sixth sense."

"I see..." He stood up from his spot and now was standing in front of me. "Are you scared?"

My head moved to look up at him. "I am, master. But I trust you."

"Your blind trust will be the death of you." He hissed.

I know.

"Go to your room. Get up in time for breakfast tomorrow." He sighed.

"Yes, thank you master." I nodded and exited his office.


When I woke up, I was alone in the room. I dressed up, going to the kitchen.

"Good morning Alona." Anti said from his spot. Everyone was already chatting as they ate their breakfast.

"Good morning master." My mouth spoke on its own.

"I have a business meeting today so both me and Crow are going to be away." He explained. "I expect you take care of your ongoing projects."

"Yes master." I nodded, sitting down. Both Alisia and Emma were looking at me, curious and confused, but I couldn't say anything. My body wasn't listening to me.

Once I exited the room, the girls dragged me into our bedroom.

"Alona what is wrong with you?" Alisia asked. I stared at her blankly.

"You can't speak?" Emma asked. I couldn't do anything, I've never felt so helpless.

When suddenly I got an idea. I need to post something online. I thought. I didn't know why, but I had a feeling Sam could hear me. This is for my job. I thought.

All of a sudden I could reach out to my phone and type. It's to spread his name. It's to make people remember him. I finished typing. We are his p͠u̧͏pp̴̀͜ȩ̛̕t̷́s͏. I posted what I wrote, staring at the girls who blocked my way out of the room.

Soon the girls' phones vibrated.

"Puppets?" Emma asked.

"Uh... What is going on...?" Alisia asked.

"Alona is under Anti's control." Emma informed. "I think?"

I wished I could nod, sigh, do anything to show confirmation... but I couldn't. When suddenly my mouth spoke on its own. "I need to get back to work, please let me through."

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