Chapter 43 - Shadow.

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"How do you feel?" I asked.

"Like crap." Crow muttered, sitting up on his bed.

"So a lot better, then?" I chuckled, placing the tray on his nightstand. "Brought you lunch." I added.

"I don't need it..." The demon growled, pressing his wounded chest as he moved to look at me. I approached him, fixing a loose bandage on his shoulder.

"You know you need to eat..." I sighed.

The man grabbed my hand, forcing me to look him in the eye. "We don't have any time left." He whispered. "We have to act fast."

"I know, Crow." I sighed, the man releasing my hand. "We just... I don't know what to tell you." I sat on an empty spot on the bed. "Do you know why they wanted Alisia?" I asked.

Crow bit his lip, looking down as he started speaking. "Anti has a good guess."

"Which is?" I urged.

"Fine, but don't outright let him know I told you..." The man sighed, glancing at me. "They probably want her abilities."

"What abilities?" I raised an eyebrow.

"You know that time she transformed and everything? That's not normal, even among demons." He explained. "Her speed and strength... let's just say that I don't stand a chance against her." Crow looked at me. "Honestly speaking... I don't know if even Anti and Dark can stand against her."

I stood up from the bed. "Are you kidding me?!" I turned to him. "Why the hell does she have such power?"

"Keep your voice down." Crow tried laughing but ended up coughing instead.

"Anti said that your ink doesn't create anything... it just woke up whatever was in her-..." I swallowed.

"You are right." The demon smiled.

"For how long did you know that?" I sighed, running a hand through my hair.

"What do you mean?" Crow smirked.

"You knew she's like that all along... didn't you guys?..." I was trying to keep my calm. "Emma too."

"We had no idea she got another person in her head." The man laughed.

"I can't believe you guys..." I muttered, stepping back.

"What are you feeling betrayed over?" The man raised his hand. "We didn't choose you three for no reason... What did you expect?"

A cold shiver run through me. I stepped back cautiously. "I... I don't know, fine?" I snarled, leaving the room and hurrying to mine. I felt... overwhelmed. I knew the three of us were just their 'tool's to use but, now everything felt so fake. Everything we've done so far... they were just getting us to waste time until they ultimately got a hold on whatever that was inside of the girls and well-

Why the hell did they take me in then? I sighed, looking over at Pandora who was sleeping in Emma's bed. Alisia was spending so much time with Dark, it's like she wasn't even here anymore... I just wished Emma was here. Sam? I swallowed, realizing something. My head nodded slightly. Do you think you can connect my mind to Emma's? My head tilted. Can you? My body sighed, nodding. This is a good chance right now... I looked back at Emma's body, she was sleeping soundly. I felt really sick all of a sudden and got up from my bed, leaping out the room. I hurried to the bathroom, feeling something move inside my skull once I closed the door. I fell to my knees, catching Sam as he fell out of my head, barely in time.

"Come on buddy." I noted. "We need to hurry while we still have time."

Both of us hurried into the quarantine room. I started going through Schneeplestein's equipment. This should make her sleep for a while. I observed the description on one of the tubes, transferring the liquid into an empty syringe.

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