Chapter 87 - Remorse.

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What the hell was that for?! I yelled.

I'm telling you- Crystal appeared in front of me inside our mind. "I don't remember what happened!"

"You fucking attacked Anti, that's what happened!" I pushed her. "You stabbed him in the eye."

"I don't-... God." She sighed. "I wasn't in control... but does it matter? He's all healed already."

"He's alright only because of his community! Not thanks to you-!" I yelled in frustration.

The girl remained standing silently.

"I know it's not your fault." I sighed. "Doesn't make me any less angry though..."

Crystal disappeared, and opened her eyes.

"Where am I?" She muttered while sitting up. She was in Anti's office, laying on the couch.

"You passed out after coming back to your senses... Had to drag you over here before Dark came back home." Anti explained, leaning against his desk. His clothes were changed by now and there were no signs he was bloodied beyond recognition just some time ago.

"Anti... I..." Crystal sighed, staring at the floor.

"Don't apologize." The demon huffed. "You want me dead, I'm aware of that. Just because you attacked me while out of control it doesn't change your initial want."

"Fine." The girl hissed. She closed her eyes and soon I was in control of our body.

"I couldn't stop her." I noted.

"It's alright..." Anti tilted his head.

I got up, walking towards the man. I placed my hand on his cheek without thinking, observing his right eye.

"Lucky she hit Sam, they regenerate really fast when they are connected to me." The man smiled.

I froze when I realized what I was doing, hand on the man's face while staring into his eyes-... I stepped back immediately, releasing a breath I didn't know I was holding. Anti chuckled in return.

"I would like you to do something though..." He noted.

"Which is?" I looked back at him.

"I actually spent quite a lot of energy because of this... inconvenience. I would like it if you go online and add some to the commotion... I want to replenish on power." He explained.

"Sure." I nodded, going quiet when he stroked my head. "I'll... go now..."


Done! I sighed, stretching in my chair.

"Good afternoon." I heard through my headphones.

"Chief! Good afternoon." I nodded, placing the headphones on the desk. "Both of them are in the kitchen still."

"Okay, thank you." Jackie smiled. "I will go now then." He fixed his mask and stopped by me. "I didn't forget my promise." He whispered before leaving.

"I-... Thanks." I nodded.

Crystal has been quiet since. I would feel her presence occasionally but she wouldn't respond no matter how many times I tried talking to her.

I sighed, staring at the ceiling. Sam can you hear me? My head nodded lightly. It's such a calm day... I sighed again.

"Crystal? There you are..." Dark entered the room.

I shook my head. "You got the wrong girl."

"Alona... Can you tell her the next surgery will be held tomorrow?" The demon asked. "Tell her that they won't wait for her if she's late... Alright I need to rush out."

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