Chapter 48 - Gash.

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"Is that... blood?" I asked.

"Not all of it is mine." Anti reassured, his shirt soaked in blood.

"That's not really helping your case... what happened?" I watched him as he closed the main door.

"Got in a fight with some pricks, it's fine though, they're a part of the void now." The demon smirked.

"What does that even mean?" I asked. "Blank also said it before."

"He meant it in a different way... but yeah, the void feeds on human souls." The demon explained. "That's why humans can't really be here for a while..."

"But we're-" I began.

"Can you two be quiet? I'm trying to work!" Alisia cut me off.

Both of us went quiet, surprised by her sudden outburst.

"Alona, come to my office in like... half an hour? I have a job for you to do." Anti noted, leaving the room.

"Yes master." I nodded.


I was there on time just like always, but the demon wasn't. I waited for Anti for a long time but eventually got bored and laid down on his couch, falling asleep. It wasn't long before I was tossing around, trying to wake myself up from a nightmare. I could feel two freezing hands hold me down by my throat as a shadow was staring at me intensely, soon accompanied by multiple pairs of eyes surrounding me, staring as all I could do was give up on ever waking up. All of a sudden I felt another hand touch my shoulder and I finally managed to move. I didn't think twice as I took the switchblade out of my pocket, reaching forward and shielding my face with my other arm.

What I didn't expect was to hear someone cuss in return. The knife was pushed out of my hand and I felt a hand grab my wrist, shaking me. I opened my eyes, trying to make sense of the blur my vision was but could only see the outline of a person in front of me, his green hair blending with the deep green room walls.

"Awake finally?" I heard Anti's voice and he released my wrist.

I sat up, looking around as I rubbed my eyes. My knife was on the floor, covered in blood. My heart skipped a beat as I looked back at the demon who was holding his shoulder, blood seeping from between his fingers. "Oh god." I swallowed.

"On second thought? Maybe you shouldn't be armed." The man laughed, going to his desk and getting a roll of clean bandages out of the drawer.

"Master I'm... I'm so sorry..." I had no idea what to do.

"You're lucky I'm in a decent mood." He sighed.

"You're... not gonna punish me?" I asked.

"Not today." He replied, taking off his shirt and taking a look at the wound. "Don't worry, I'll remember it."

"Wasn't worried about that..." I muttered to myself. "I'm really sorry..." I added.

"Stop apologizing and help me deal with it instead." He hissed, throwing the bandages at me.

"Y-yes." I nodded, getting to work. "What was the job you had for me by the way?" I asked.

"I need you to figure out Alisia's fears." He said.

I sighed, my hands stopping mid-wrap.

"Can you do that for me?" The demon asked.

"Yeah, it shouldn't be hard." I nodded. I finished bandaging and tied the end, looking away from the demon.

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