Chapter 92 - Parallels.

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"Where the hell are we?" Crow asked. "No... How did we get here?"

Anti chuckled, sitting back up. "We traveled to a parallel timeline, one where I didn't get wounded."

"You killed Marvin so we-?" I muttered.

"So we could travel, yes." The demon nodded, getting up. "A sacrifice is needed in order to switch timelines."

"But what does-" Crow began but was cut off when the back door to one of the buildings opened all of a sudden.

"Are you going to sit here all day long?" Dusk crossed her arms.

"Dusk? How are you- What...?" Crow hurried to hug the girl.

"Let's go inside first." The witch smiled, letting us in. "You guys are late... I expected you a few minutes ago..." She noted.

"Yeah, some things kept us busy..." Anti admitted, sitting on one of the chairs.

"Dusk, what is this place?" Crow asked.

"Oh, it's my shop... I can't live off of nothing after all." She shrugged. "Tea?"


"So... you killed Marvin so we would be able to go to a timeline where you're not on the verge of dying." Crow muttered.

"Yes." Anti nodded, sipping his drink before putting the cup away.

I huffed.

"Thank you Alona..."He turned to me. "If not you, I wouldn't be able to kill him... I would've died." Anti smiled bitterly.

I hung my head. "Crystal loved him and I..."

"You saved my life." He took my hands, glancing at the burnt one when I winced. "Jeysus, why didn't you say anything?" He hissed, pulling my hand closer to him and taking out a clean roll of bandages.

"It's fine..." I muttered, averting my gaze.

"What does this mean for the timeline we left then?" Crow continued. "Are we like... just not there anymore or-?"

"It collapsed." Anti replied. "Well technically it merged with the one we're currently in."

I raised an eyebrow. "But wouldn't that mean that everyone has both the memories of this timeline and the one we came from?" I flinched when the man accidentally touched my wounds.

"Not everyone." The demon shook his head. "The majority will remember only this timeline, the only ones who usually remember both, that I know of, are me and Jack."

"What about Jameson then?" I tilted my head.

"Didn't I tell you he's a time traveler?" Anti smiled, continuing to wrap my hand as he glanced as Dusk. "You're one as well, aren't you?"

"I am." She nodded, standing by him. "We... Other people have a version of them in every timeline, they could be almost identical, but still each would be slightly different. For example- where you came from, Anti got wounded, here he never had that happen to him... so that's how they are different." She stopped, waiting for me and Crow to nod before continuing. "JJ and I don't have versions of us in most timelines... Some time-travelers don't have any versions of them left at all..." She stopped for a moment, shifting her legs as she stood more comfortably and leaned against Anti. "People like Anti need to sacrifice someone's life to travel... but time travelers don't have to, we can do it by will."

I realized I was glaring at the girl when our eyes met and looked away immediately.

"Was that good enough?" Dusk turned towards Anti.

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