Chapter 75 - Red.

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Alona?... Witch come on, talk to me... Crystal sighed. Come on, you're being too quiet.

I huffed.

God, don't tell me you're actually angry... The girl muttered. I didn't answer.

Stop making me talk to myself. She appeared in front of me, inside our mind. You know it's dumb.

Then let's not talk about it. I hissed.

Crystal approached me. You know he still sees you when talking to me.

I turned away. There's nothing to talk about here.

Come on... stop it, you're being ridiculous.... She reappeared in front of me.

Then leave! I called. Go outside, be free... just fucking leave me alone.

The girl sighed, disappearing.


Crystal opened her eye, sighing in frustration.

"God I didn't know you're here." Crow yelped. "You actually scared me, what the hell."

"Aren't you a bit jumpy for a demon?" The girl laughed, sitting up. The man was sitting in front of one of the computers in the computer room. "What are you doing?" She approached him.

"Robin asked me to back him up while his computer is being a bitch." Crow sighed motioning towards the open video editing program.

"Does Anti know about it?" Crystal raised an eyebrow.

The man shrugged. "There's no need for him to know... Something's wrong?" He glanced at her.

"Just... having a bit of trouble getting along with witch." Crystal sighed.

"It's surprising that you can even sort of get along..." The man noted. "You saw Anti and Jack... those guys are hopeless, well- were hopeless...."

"Yeah..." The girl nodded, shuddering lightly when the demon placed his hand on her shoulder.

"You should rest more..." Crow smiled. "You look tense."

"I guess so..." She sighed.


"Still nozhing from Chase?" Schneeplestein asked.

"Nothing..." Marvin sighed.

"What the fuck do you mean 'Chase is missing'?!" Jackie entered the room, followed by Anti.

"Just as it sounds." Anti replied. "Gone." He sighed.

"How the hell... How did you let this happen?! Why didn't you find him yet?..." The chief called.

"Do you think we didn't look for him?!" Anti hissed, kicking the wall. "How do we know you didn't do anything to him?" He turned all of a sudden.

"What do you mean?" Jackie raised his eyebrow, placing his palms on his hips in his signature position.

"You've been lying to us all this time... how do we know you didn't do anything to him?" Anti folded his arms.

"Are you questioning me?" The chief hissed.

"I am." Anti called. "How can we trust you?"

"Anti..." The doctor whispered.

"Let me rephrase this..." Jackie sighed. "Are you questioning your leader?!" He grabbed Anti's throat.

"Guys, please! Stop this!" Marvin called, not knowing what to do.

"Let go of him!" Crystal got up.

"I am not going to tolerate any of you disobeying me!" Jackie yelled.

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