Chapter 9 - Alone.

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The Septiceye tattoo was stinging badly that day.

I watched Anti who couldn't hide anymore how stressed he was. He finally stopped pacing back and forth and now leaned against the wall, staring at the ceiling.

"Doctor Iplier said he's not in danger..." I muttered.

The demon clicked his tongue in return.

"I hope he'll be okay..." Alisia agreed.

Emma stayed silent, lost in thoughts.

"Get back to your works." Anti hissed.

We stood up slowly as I realized Emma didn't move from her spot.

"Do I need to repeat myself?" Anti sighed.

"I am not going to work for you." She hissed.

"What was it?" The demon watched the girl as she stood up.

"I am not going to work for you anymore!" She yelled.

The lights flickered.

Anti started giggling and soon enough his giggle grew into an uncontrollable laughter.

I looked over at Alisia who was just as confused and worried as me.

The lights flickered faster and faster until Anti finally calmed down and exhaled.

"Puppet, you should know your place... Like the rest of your friends." He hissed.

My heart skipped a beat when the demon raised his arm, approaching Emma.

I noticed her legs started shaking but at the next moment Anti grabbed the girl's head, making her scream in pain and fear. He was enjoying himself too much.

"Sir! Stop it!" I yelled, grabbing onto his arm, trying to pull him away. The girl's screams filled my ears.

"Let her go!" Alisia yelped.

"Fuck off." He laughed and pushed me so forcefully I fell to the floor.

"M-master... please... I'm begging you..." Emma whimpered.

"Are you going to cause me any more trouble?" Anti peered into her eyes.

Emma shook her head. "No. N-no. No. " She kept shaking her head violently. "I will behave. I will be a good puppet. I will... I will be... Please, just make it stop..." She begged.

"Good girl." Anti shoved her away, smiling, full of himself.

Emma fell to the floor, collapsing unto her knees.

Alisia approached the girl who was shaking furiously but she pushed her away, mumbling something illegible. I could hear she was running out of breath from the panic she was in and before I managed to react she collapsed.

"Emma!" Alisia called out as both of us hurried to the girl.


"She just stressed out too much, she should be fine after a good rest." Doctor Iplier sighed.

Alisia was sobbing near Emma's bed.

I turned my head, hearing the door open- Anti just left the room. I leaped after him.

"What do you want?" The demon growled

"It's not her fault you wounded the doctor." I hissed.

Anti looked at me for a moment, averting his stare. "I don't want to hear you."

"But you will, nonetheless." I replied, taking a step forwards. "We have no hand in you fucking up, so stop pushing your stress onto us." I continued.

"Shut the fuck up." The demon growled.

"You know I'm right." I held my ground.

"I don't give a fuck. Do you even know fear?" He hissed through grinding teeth.

"I donnot." I replied.

"What a freaking pity." Anti stepped towards me. "I'll have to teach you then."

The demon raised his hand, stopping abruptly when the door of our bedroom opened.

"What is going on? I heard-" Alisia gasped.

"Don't you dare interrupt me!" Anti yelled.

"I- I'm sorry... I-" The girl hesitated for a moment and just took off.

"Good job." I clicked my tongue, looking at Anti and then back at the direction Alisia ran off to. "I will go look for her." I sighed.

"Whatever." I heard behind me.


"Alisia? Are you okay?" I found the girl curled up behind one of the couches.

"Wh- WHAT did I do wrong?" Her voice trembled.

"You did nothing wrong-" I tried.

"Then why did he YELL at me?!" Alisia screamed.

Sighing I wrapped my arms around the girl.

"It's okay... You did nothing wrong." I whispered, hearing footsteps behind of me.

"Let me take a look at her." I heard Dark and I let go of Alisia.

I stared at the demon.

"I won't hurt her." He smiled sweetly. "I just want to make sure she's okay."

"Fine." I said, standing up and helping the girl up.

I watched the two leave the room, battling with the bad feeling that took over me.


The light flickered, accompanied by a whisper somewhere deep inside my mind.

"Your friends are dropping left and right, isn't that a wonderful evening?" I chose to ignore it. "You couldn't save them." The whispered continued.

"I couldn't protect them." I agreed.

"You couldn't do anything..." He kept going. "Your expression is delightful." Anti noted, appearing near me.

"Hadn't you had enough?" I asked.

"Never." The demon smiled. "Now get back to work."

"Do you really expect me to work now? Do you even understand what's happening to my friends?" I snapped.

"Adapt." He hissed back. "I need you to finish that last assignment I gave you." He smiled his signature smile.

I clicked my tongue.

"Don't forget who's in charge." The demon peered into my eyes.

"You are." I mumbled.

"Good." The lights flickered again and I was left alone in the room.

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