Chapter 88 - Offer.

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No... No, no no- "No!" Crystal fell to her knees shaking.

I stared at the girl motionlessly.

"Why didn't you tell me?" She whispered. "You didn't even tell me about the operation..."

"You were busy going berserk." I hissed.

A sound of a door slamming shut made me wake up, realizing I was sitting on the couch once again.

"Alona." Anti huffed, turning to face me as he leaned against the door.

"I couldn't do anything..." I looked down. I felt a hand on my shoulder but kept staring at my hands. "I couldn't stop her... And now everything is... We can't salvage anything with Jackie now, can we?" I sighed.

A low chuckle made me look up.

"How corrupted are you?" Anti smirked, caressing my cheek. I leaned back, escaping his touch.

"W-what do you mean?" I stuttered.

The demon tilted his head. "It doesn't even look like you care about what happened with Alisia."

"Because I knew this was coming? Anti I don't have time for this..." I sighed. "We need to figure out what to do with-"

"Give me your phone." The man grinned.

"What- why?" I blinked surprised.

"Just do it." He reached out his hand. Confused I placed my phone in his hand and observed him cautiously. The demon raised the mobile and a photo shutter sound came from it. "There you go..." He smiled, returning me the phone.

I stared at the picture in marvel. Sure my expression was confused and definitely not a flattering one but it was hard to miss what he wanted me to notice... The image was glitched and distorted.

"Why the hell...?" I muttered.

"That's what I meant." Anti chuckled.

"How?" I looked up at the man. He grabbed my chin, looking pleased. "N-nevermind. Don't say anything." I turned my head so I was free from his grasp. "I don't wanna hear it..."

Anti smiled. "Either way you are right, I don't think we can save anything with Jackie..." The demon sighed, stepping aside and sitting on the couch beside me. "Well... There's not much we can do now... You can go." He turned to me, laying his arms on the backrest.

"I..." I muttered. "Can I stay?"

The man glanced at me for a moment before looking away. "Sure." He sighed. "Just don't make any noise... I've had a long day."

I nodded, remaining quiet only for a moment. "Y-you know..." I muttered barely above a whisper. "You... if you..."

"Yes?" Anti tilted his head.

"God, you know what I'm trying to say... I know you can hear my thoughts... just throw me a bone, damn it." I hissed, looking away. He shook his head. I bit my lip, trying to figure out what I was even trying to say. "You're making this impossible..."

The man petted my head and got up, soon returning to the couch, a knife in his hands as he smiled bitterly.


"Hello." A voice startled me.

"Dusk..." I swallowed. "I'm... Listen I'm sor-"

"It's fine..." The girl shrugged. "I know it wasn't you... And I wasn't really hurt or anything... Good to have you back though!" She smiled, glancing at my arms. "Why are you bandaged? Did something happen?"

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