Chapter 96 - Cursed.

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We were hurrying out of the headquarters, demons were running out of it as well as the building was beginning to collapse.

"What the hell is-" I called but Anti silenced me. I looked up at the void, realizing it was cracking. The pieces of nothingness were falling down, crashing buildings and terrified creatures and revealing a blinding white light shining from above the cracks in the nonexistent sky.

I stumbled, falling to the pavement.

"Come on... we need to get outta here..." I heard Anti mutter above me as he helped me up.

I was struggling to move. I haven't been feeling the best since the fever I had last night but the feeling was getting worse.


I opened my eyes, seeing Crystal in front of me.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

"I don't know..." I muttered. "Everything hurts... I don't know what is happeNing."

"You need to go back out there..." Crystal shook her head. "You two need to get out of here, this dimension is collapsing..."

I nodded weakly.

"Are you alive?" A voice echoed through my mind. We turned to see Sam, Anti's voice coming from him.

"Yeah I'm..." I muttered. "I'm sorry... did I faint?"

Sam nodded. "Crystal?" He turned towards her, turning into Anti right in front of my eyes. "Do you hate me?"

The girl looked at him. "I do."

"Are you going to get that hatred out on me?" He asked, approaching her and stopping in front of her, looking down at the girl.

She shook her head. "You killed him to survive... I can't really blame you for it." Crystal explained. "But I still hate you nonetheless."

"Okay..." Anti sighed. "I'm still intending to keep our deal, just so you know." He informed. "Once we're out of here I'll erase the memories of whoever you want..." He took her hands.

"We can talk over it if you two survive." Crystal hissed, brushing his hands off. "This is not the time for this."


I opened my eyes, realizing it was completely dark.

"A-Anti?" I muttered and all of a sudden I felt a hand covering my mouth.

"Stay silent for a moment..." I heard the man whisper. I heard footsteps getting closer and getting farther until they were completely gone.

I raised my hands to try and understand why I couldn't see when I realized something was wrapped around my head. I was about to pull it off when the demon stopped me.

"Don't. Did you see the light coming from the void?" He asked. I could hear sirens going off in the distance.

"Yes... What is it? It made me-..." I muttered weakly.

"Made you feel bad, yes. It slowly kills humans who look at it..." I heard him shuffle around.

"That's why my eyes are covered..." I nodded, lowering my hands. "Where are we?"

"One of the buildings..." Anti sighed, I heard him sit down beside me. "It's basically ruins all around here..."

I nodded. "Why aren't we leaving?" I asked.

"The gate collapsed." The man replied, sighing again. "What is this?" He asked all of a sudden and I felt him tag the talisman I had hanging off my neck.

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