Chapter 29 - Comfort.

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I was typing at my computer, doing my work while listening to Emma and Alisia chat, joining them from time to time. "Alona, is everything alright?" Emma stopped, looking at me.

"Sure, why won't it be?" I muttered. Noticing Alisia observing the healing scars all over my body.

"Does is still hurt?" She asked.

I shook my head. "Can't feel them at all." I smiled slightly. "Well, I finished my task... I'll go let Anti know." I got up from my chair.

"Sure." Emma nodded.

"Come back soon." Alisia waved.


"Your work is disappointing." The demon sighed. I looked up from the couch. "I really hoped your job won't suffer from yesterday..." Anti looked at me. I felt as though he looked into my very soul. "Puppet?"

"Yeah?" I responded without thinking, he looked at me surprised, as though he didn't expect me to actually answer.

"C'mere." He said. "From my left side." He added once I stood up.

I stopped near him, confused and worried.

"Take my hand." He reached his left hand out to me.

"What?" I couldn't understand what was happening.

"Just take advantage of the situation before I change my mind." He muttered, his hand still reaching to me as he looked back at the screen. I didn't think twice as I took his hand in mines and sat down near him, on the floor. Darkness started emitting from my palms immediately, wrapping around his hand and travelling up his arm. The position I was sitting in made my legs feel numb very fast and I had to change position. I leaned against the edge of Anti's chair, my head resting on my arm as I still held his hand.

"I honestly didn't think it'll be as bad... I would've done something else if I knew." Anti muttered under his breath, continuing to go through the database, not a care in the world over the strings of darkness which tangled around his arm.

"I warned you..." I muttered in reply. "You didn't listen."

"Alona..." He called.

"Yes master?" I looked up, biting my tongue once I realized what I just said.

"I don't need you in that state." He glanced at me.

I chuckled bitterly in return.

"Do you love being useless that much?..." He said but stopped as though that wasn't what he wanted to say. "Is there anything I can do?" He asked.

"I... no idea." I sighed, freezing when the door opened all of a sudden. I released the demon's hand immediately, glad that his desk was in the way and whoever entered couldn't see me. That was the weirdest possible place ever to be caught in and god I didn't have the energy to deal with that. The strings of darkness withdrew immediately, vanishing into thin air as I tried to stay silent.

"What is it Dark? I'm busy." Anti hummed, scrolling through the names.

"I'm here to talk about Emma." Dark replied, I heard more footsteps, followed by another voice.

"Hello master." I heard Emma.

"What are we talking about?" Anti asked, tilting his head. To my surprise his hand that never really moved that far from me was now placed on my head, stroking it lightly. I bit my lip, honestly all I wanted at that moment was to take back his hand and extract his calmness. But I couldn't.

The Quest for PowerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora