Chapter 60 - Locked.

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A loud thud made me jolt awake. I sat up as I realized I was in one of the house's cells, I looked around, realizing Anti sat beside me on the bed and handed me a tray with food.

I placed the tray away from me, not looking at the man.

"Eat up." He said. "I know you didn't have a proper meal since you three left."

I sighed, pulling the tray towards me and nibbling on a piece of bread. Only a few bites in and I started feeling nauseous and threw the bread back onto the plate.

"Careful... don't eat so much at once." Anti muttered.

"Since when do you caRe?" I hissed, turning to him.

"You dying from starvation won't benefit me in any way." He shrugged.

"Where are the others?" I asked. "How are they?"

"Do you really have time to worry about them?" The man smiled, brushing my hair away. I knew he was trying to intimidate me and, well, it was working. "Whose orders were you following?" He asked.

"I only follow your orders, master." I replied, wincing when I felt my cheek stinging as a loud snap echoed in the room.

"I am not going to hear any lies from you." The demon hissed.

"I would never lie to you." I shook my head.

The tray fell off the bed when Anti got up, grabbing my hair as he pulled me, my head hitting against the wall behind of me. "Do I look like I'm jo̷̴ķ̨įng̷?!" He yelled.

I opened back my eyes, swallowing when I saw the fury in the demon's expression.

"The poison didn't activate... did it?" I whispered.

His eyes widened in realization as he released me.

"I am not lying to you." I muttered.


I was sitting on the bed, staring at the floor as I waited for time to pass.

The door swung open, Anti walking in. "Feel like talking yet?" He stopped beside me, kicking the bed lightly. He looked much more exhausted than he was the prior day, his eyes were irritated, movements slowed down compared to how he usually was.

"I have nothing more to say to you." I sighed.

"Why did you guys try to escape?" He asked but I didn't reply, looking away instead. I yelped when he kicked my foot, attracting my attention back. "Are you the one who initiated it?" He asked instead.

"Yeah." I nodded. "Where is Sam?" I asked.

"He's in my care now." The demon replied.

"He had nothing to do with all of that... Please don't do anything to him..." I asked.

"I will do to him whatever I see fit." Anti grabbed my shirt, forcing me to look at him. "I will crush him to pieces if that's what will make you speak up."

"It won't." I hissed. "I have nothing more to say to you." I repeated.

"You're just gaining more points towards your punishment." The demon released me, sighing.

"What is my current tally?" I smiled bitterly.

"An execution." He growled.

"Oh, that's nice." I chuckled.

"So you're really not going to show any signs of humanity till the very end, huh?" Anti tilted his head. "Do you really feel nothing knowing that I'm considering killing you off?"

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