Chapter 15 - Different.

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When I woke up that night I felt... weird. It was almost as though my body was moving without my consent. I dressed up and put on my shoes. The corridors were dark and I couldn't see anything, but somehow I navigated my way confidently to the computer room.

To my surprise, the room was illuminated by a faint neon light. I approached the coats which were hanging near the exit, seeing Sam sleeping on my coat.

"Buddy, can you sleep somewhere elSe?" I whispered. The Septiceye woke up, hovering in front of me. I put on my coat, noticing something peeking from one of the other coats. A wallet? I looked at its inside, putting it in my pocket. Sam flew into my coat, hiding somewhere between the folds. "YoU're coming wiTh me?" I couldn't recognize my own voice, I never talked with that tone.

I exited the house, having no idea where I was going but... I didn't even seem to care. I followed the pavement into the depth of the city. When I was surrounded by buildings and streetlights I couldn't even feel that I was in the void anymore, the city seemed to never sleep as many demons and other unknown creatures passed by me. I entered one of the smaller buildings, seeing from its name that it was some sort of a bar.

I had no idea what I was doing, but at some point I stopped trying to understand. My body was moving on its own, fine then. I just hoped I won't get into any troubles.

I ordered a drink from the menu, suddenly hearing a familiar voice.

"You guys aren't helping!" I turned around seeing Chase, accompanied by Marvin and Schneep.

I stood up from my stool, approaching the men.

"Vhat are you doing here?" The doctor reeked of alcohol.

"Does it maTter?" I chuckled.

"Lady, your drink-" One of the waiters handed me a glass and hurried to continue his work.

"Henrik you know her?" Chase asked.

"Yes, she's vorking for-" He began but I cut him off.

"Why are we talking about woRk? I'm here to relax, aren't you guys tOo?" I smiled. The men ended up nodding and agreeing with me. Marvin moved over and let me sit near him.

"What is your name, by the way?" Marvin asked politely.

"AloNa." I muttered.

"Either way.... I am not going to listen to your recommendations anymore, you guys suck." Chase growled, sipping from his drink.

"You have to move on man!" Marvin shook his shoulder.

I lost interest in their conversation fast enough, and to my surprise Marvin noticed I was staring at the ceiling.

"Your eyes have an interesting color..." He noted, I looked at him. "Are you a demon?"

I crooked my head. "SoRt of."

Marvin blinked at me, his face turning sour when he heard Schneep say something in German under his breath. "Look at this trick I learnt!" He called, turning to the guys and throwing his cards in the air. The cards almost seemed to sparkle as they landed perfectly in his other hand.

"Vhat, how did you do zhat!" The doctor seemed completely out of it by now. I laughed, earning a light shove from Marvin.

The magician turned to Chase. "Pick a card." He smiled.

"God I saw this trick a thousand times, bro." The other sighed but picked a card nonetheless.

"Remember it, and put it back in the deck." Marvin continued. He clasped his hands but suddenly the cards disappeared.

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