Chapter 37 - Friendly.

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I entered the computer room, surprised to see Chase basically laying on the couch. The man was holding a toy gun, he pulled the trigger but when the bullet flew away I saw a thin string connected to it. Chase pulled the bullet back by the string and pushed it into the gun to fire again.

"That's smart..." I muttered.

"What was that?" The man looked over at me.

"What you did to the bullet..." I explained. "It's such a good idea."

"Anti gets pissed when I shoot bullets all over his house so I came up with this..." Chase sighed, shooting again. "Not as fun but now I don't need to get up to get the bullets."

I sat down on the other couch. "Do you hate me?" I asked.

The man glanced at me. "I still want to know what happened to the doctor." He clicked his tongue.

"Not that." I sighed.

"I'm not like Marvin." Chase replied. "I am pissed, but I really don't feel like dealing with you, dude."

I bit my lip. "Do you guys even understand you're under Anti's control?..." I wasn't sure how he was gonna react and was ready to get up and run if he got angry.

"We do." Chase replied, sitting up. "I know we've lost to him but, y'know, I don't even care anymore." He shrugged. "I almost prefer this life... He took me in when I didn't even want my own life anymore..." The man stopped, staring at the floor. "He gave me a reason."

"I see..." I nodded.

"I trust him." Chase shrugged. "And that's why I should trust you, it's just... It's kinda hard, man."

I clasped my hands together. "I get it."

"So..." Chase hummed.

"Yeah?" I looked up at him.

"Can you at least tell me how he died?" Chase sighed. "He was my friend for so many years and I... I have no idea even how he went." The man looked just... broken, his arms resting on his knees as he stared at the floor.

"You know I can't..." I swallowed.

The man hung his head in defeat. I sighed, getting up and hugging Chase, his hat falling in the process. He didn't return the hug, and that was completely fine... until I felt a gun's barrel pressed against my temple.

"You're being so annoying to deal with..." He hummed into my shoulder.

"Chase... I understand how you feel... I really do." I didn't release the hug. "But I can't let you get your revenge..." The gun was still firmly pressed against my head. "It will interrupt Anti's plans and... I can't let you do that." I sighed.

"That was Anti's order?" He hissed, not moving.

"Yeah. Both he and I can't afford to let anyone know what happened... I'm really sorry Chase..." I leaned more into the hug. "I can't betray Anti, even if it means you guys will never know peace of mind."

The man removed the gun and I released him, standing straight as I watched him.

"Get lost." Chase hissed.

I sighed, knowing there was nothing left to say.

"Witch! There you are..." Crow called from the entrance.

"I told you to drop this nickname." I clicked my tongue. Crow chuckled in response.

"I told you to get lost." Chase hissed again. "I don't want to see you." He muttered.

"Sorry." I replied hastily, grabbing Crow's arm and pulling him into the corridor.

"Troubles in heaven?" Crow joked.

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