Chapter 64 - Lost and found.

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I was passing through the streets, voices of chatter merge down into an illegible mess and fall flat upon my ears. I stopped when I realized I bumped into someone. "S-sorry..." I muttered, looking up.

Chase was staring at me intensely. "You..."

"Alona." I informed, realizing he was trying to recall my name.

"Alona, do you know where Marvin is?" He asked, expression tense. I swallowed, stepping back.

"Answer me!" He called. The people passing by gasped in surprise, looking at us. "Come with me." He sighed, grabbing my arm and pulling me with him into a smaller alley.

"Chase... please, I don't think it's the right time." I asked.

"Tell me what you know, I'm losing my patience." He hissed.

I sighed, glancing at the man's hand which was dangerously close to his gun holster. "Marvin is dead." I looked back at him.

"What do you mean?..." He stepped back. "Wha- Who did it?!" He grabbed my shoulder, shaking me.

"Chase..." I muttered.

"It was Anti, wasn't it?" He let go of me. "Is he at home?" He glanced out of the alley.

"I'm begging you... don't do anything-" I began and grabbed his arm in an attempt to stop him.

"I'm not going to attack anyone..." The man brushed my hand away. "I just want to see Marvin." He muttered. "Come with me."

We entered the familiar red corridors, only our footsteps filling the silence until Chase spoke again. "So you know where Marvin is?" He glanced at me.

"Probably in one of the spare rooms." I replied.

The man nodded as he stopped in front of one of the doors, taking a deep breath before he opened it. His expression changed immediately, turning into a pained one, eyes getting red as he grinded his teeth. "God..." He entered the room and I peeked in as well.

The magician's body was laying on a bed, he was covered by a blanket which was stained by blood. Chase grabbed the cloth with his healthy hand, pulling it off.

I gasped, looking away.

From his chest and up, Marvin's body was a bloody mess. I knew there should've been a head there, a face... but I couldn't tell anything apart. It all just looked the same, torn out flesh and broken bones.

"Why did he do this?" Chase spoke, still staring at the man's body.

"He... we tried to runaway." I bit my lip. "Anti wasn't too happy with us..." I muttered.

"Why didn't he tell me anything?..." Chase choked.

"Goddamnit!" A voice echoed through the corridor outside.

"Was that Anti just now?" Chase opened the door.

"It sounded like it came from downstairs..." I shrugged.

Both of us stepped outside, surprised to see Anti rush by us.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Jackie. He's fucking gone." The demon growled.

"What do you mean by 'gOne'?" I gasped.

"I wish I knew! He fucking disappeared!" Anti walked back and forth.

"Weren't any of the Sams recording him?" I suggested.

"They're gone as well." The demon's voice distorted but his expression changed when he realized Chase was there as well. "Why are you here?"

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