Chapter 34 - Shatter.

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By the time I woke up after the explosion Anti wasn't breathing anymore. I didn't make sure of what was left of Emma's body as I crashed onto the floor besides the demon. I only knew of the amount of blood that covered the walls and furniture and the two dead men in the room. I had no idea what to do.

Did a few hours pass already? I didn't know. I didn't dare to open my eyes and check.

I was sitting on the floor, curled up as I hid my face behind my arms. I felt my cheeks were wet, but I couldn't tell if that was from tears or blood anymore. I didn't even dare to look around me, knowing there was nothing I wanted to see in the room.

"SAm... whaT do I do?" I muttered. I knew the two Septiceyes were still near me, probably watching over their master-

God. How did things go so out of control so fast?... I kept running everything that happened in my head, over and over to the point of feeling unearthly sick. I was tempted to actually take a look at what happened to Emma but... Did I really want to know that? I had no idea if she even survived the explosion but... all I could think about was the fact both the doctor and the demon were now-

A gasp near me made me open my eyes. Anti was still laying on the floor, but his eyes opened and he was now staring at the ceiling. His breathing was stuttering and weak... but he was alive nonetheless. "What happened?" He muttered, coughing out blood.

"Don't try to spEak." I turned to him, moving his wet hair away from his eyes without thinking.

His eyes moved to me slowly. "Did I die?" He chuckled faintly. I bit my lip. "Don't cry." He breathed. "I'll be fine... help me get up." Anti noted and I grabbed his arm, helping him sit up.

I watched the demon as he observed the room. "Holly... fuck." He muttered, hissing as he pressed his hand to his stomach.

I was looking down, to nowhere in particular, just trying to avoid seeing anything and everything when I've realized Anti was looking at me. "Yeah you... it's better if you don't look there right now..." He bit his lip, looking somewhat shocked.

I flinched, feeling something touch my feet. "Sam?" I saw the two Septiceyes rolling a bandage over to our direction. "ThAnks guys." I nodded, handing the bandages to the man.

"Close your eyes for a bit." Anti said calmly, starting to take his shirt off. I was about to ask 'why' but once I saw how blood soaked his stomach was I complied immediately. Shuffling sounds came from his direction and I heard demon hiss, probably from his wound stretching as he treated it... But god I was glad he didn't ask for my help. "Alright, you're good." I heard him and opened my eyes. He was still shirtless, not done bandaging up but the wound itself was covered already. I took the bandages from Anti's hand, helping him do the rest.

A melody made me look to my side- Anti's phone was ringing, Iplier's name appearing on the screen. I picked the phone up, handing it to the man. "What is it doctor?" He tried to sound cheerful. "I called?... Really? I don't know... Maybe my phone unlocked itself in my pocket?" He chuckled, holding back a hiss as I tied the end of the bandages. "I know... I know, sorry doctor. I will be more careful from now on..." Anti sighed, turning off the phone.

"Not going to asK for his help?" I muttered.

"No point now." His eyes traveled around the room. "Henrik is dead, and I'd rather if Dark and his people didn't find out about Emma."

"But wHat about her?" I asked, my back still facing her. "Is she alivE?"

"She's seen better days... that's for sure." The man looked back at me. "But she's alive, I can see she's breathing. She got a nice dose of my blood after all... She just needs some time to heal." Anti moved back, leaning his back against the wall.

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