Chapter 74 - Presence.

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"How are you always present when something is happening?" Anti sighed.

"That's witch's work." Crystal shrugged. "She just has this... skill." She added, opening her mouth to say something more but closing it back up.

"What is it?" Anti asked.

"I thought you'll agree with the doctor." She noted. "If he can force Alona back here, then why wouldn't you do that?"

The man rubbed his head. "I know I said something else before... but I changed my mind. You're actually easier to deal with than her."

"You probably just broke her heart." Crystal giggled. "How am I better than a puppet of yours?"

"You... how should I say it..." Be began. "No matter how much I break a puppet they still keep their old habits, they still will stand for their old morals and will try to save some of their pride. But you don't do any of these, you're more of a puppet than any of them... a perfectly broken one too." He smirked.

"I'll take that as a compliment." The girl shrugged. "So it is about her being too full of pride after all..." She smiled.

You're awfully quiet. The girl noted mentally.

Don't mind me. I hissed back.

"I guess so..." Anti sighed. "Either way it's mean to drag back someone after they bid their farewell..." He added. "I've read the letter."

This-... oh god I made things awkward, didn't I? I sighed mentally.

"She's asking if she made things awkward." Crystal smirked.

I did not ask that. I hissed. Why would you- ugh.

"Hm? No... not at all..." The man muttered, looking lost in thought. "She just made me wonder about a few things..."

Wonder? I hummed.

"Like what?" Crystal asked.

"It's between her and me." The man stroked her head.

"That's a pity." The girl smiled. "Then you won't ever be able to tell her that."

"I guess so." He smiled as well, caressing her hair. "Oh and, if I hear another 'thank you' from her, both of you are going to regret it." The demon added, hand still slowly brushing through her hair despite his words.

Fine. I muttered.

"Got it." Crystal nodded.


"I've never seen you that quiet." The girl noted.

"I'm... thinking." Marvin replied, putting his mask back on once he realized he wasn't alone in the room.

"It can't be healthy to think that much..." Crystal shrugged. She placed her palm on his shoulder but when he didn't react in any way she wrapped her arm around him. "About Chase?"

"Chase... Jack... Anti... other stuff." He replied, leaning into the hug. "It's weird to have you around instead of her... It feels like I already know you, but I don't..."

Crystal hummed in agreement.

"I know you should be a stranger to me but I can't help but... it's just weird." He sighed.

"I know... don't force yourself to make sense out of it." She nodded. "Alona is still right here, listening, if it makes it better..."

"Thank you..." The magician muttered. "You're... kind."

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