Chapter 93 - Serenity.

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"Dark-fucking-iplier." Anti mumbled. "I should have known... this bastard."

"Someone's jealous?" Dusk grinned.

"Shut your face. I knew he was aiming for that position for like... forever. I just didn't expect it..." Anti muttered.

"Which naturally means you're not really welcomed in the void." The girl added.

"Great." The demon sighed. "What else?"

Dusk smirked. "Crow has been claiming he has nothing to do with you so people would leave him alone... no idea how true that is though."

Anti glanced at Crow who shrugged in return.

"So I guess I should keep a low profile in this timeline then..." Anti sighed.


"What was that for?" I hissed. Crow and Anti looked up at me from their phones.

"What do you mean?" Anti smirked.

"All those title changes, why do you even bother with that anymore..." I sighed.

"I was bored." The demon shrugged.

"Plus the panicking in the community was quite hilarious." Crow smiled.

I huffed, shaking my head.

"Did you manage to keep up with it?" Anti smiled.

"Yes..." I pouted. "A complete waste of time, thank you."

"You're welcome." The demon grinned even wider.


"You're being awfully quiet." I muttered. Dusk sent Anti and me to the grocery store, the man was wearing a hood to cover his green hair, pulling it down to hide his face.

"Thinking." He muttered back. "Alona, back at Jackie's place..."

"Yeah?" I glanced over.

"When I was on the verge of dying... what were those thoughts you had?" He whispered as we passed by people. I turned my head away. "You were tempted to let me die."

I nodded slightly.

"Why didn't you do it then?" He hissed.

"Just because it passed my mind it doesn't mean I wanted to do it." I whispered back.

"Then?" Anti growled.

"We're in this together, I want to see my prediction come true as much as you-" I huffed but the man stopped me all of a sudden, pointing at someone. A person wrapped in a cloak hurried through the street, passing along the crowd. Anti started running all of a sudden, following the person who soon realized the happening and picked up the speed. I followed the two, trying to keep up with their speed.

The person entered an alley and Anti leaped after them, tackling them down and dropping them to the pavement. The demon pulled the cloak off, revealing Chase who looked petrified. The man was about to scream when Anti covered his mouth.

"What are you doing here?" The demon whispered, lifting his hand slightly.

"Me? What are you doing here? What do you want?!" The man whimpered.

"Chase, calm down... we are not going to do anything to you..." Anti whispered, but still holding the man in case.

"As if I'd trust you-!" Chase choked out. "You fucking maniac!"

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