Chapter 63 - Tension.

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Anti pushed Jackie into a chair, tying him up and pacing back and forth. "I can't believe you've been right under my nose all this god damn time!" The demon sounded excited.

The masked man hissed from his chair.

"I'm finally going to make you pay for betraying us." Anti smiled as he approached him again, punching him in the face.

"Why aren't you saying anything?" The demon's voice distorted. "I wanted to have a little... chat with you."

"I don't have anything left to say." Jackie spit out blood.

"How mean..." Anti chuckled, swinging his hand when a knife appeared in it. "And I thought we were... friends." He waved the knife at him.

"Fuck you." Jackie growled.

The demon laughed, his voice echoing in the cell, accompanied by a wave of static and stopping abruptly when I heard the sound of spilled liquid. The wannabe hero gasped as blood dripped from his mouth and seeped from the newly made wound in his shoulder. Anti snickered as he removed his knife, letting the blood splatter on the floor from the sharp swing.

I looked over at Pandora, she watched the happening in delight.

"As you wish." The demon tilted his head. He turned the knife, stabbing the other man's thigh. "I can see you're not in the mood for talking... I'm a kind man, I can wait." He smirked, pulling his knife out yet again. "Stop the camera." He motioned towards Pandora and she nodded, turning it off and moving the tripod from our way.

The three of us exited the cell, walking upstairs as Anti hummed in delight.

"Alona, I'm going to keep my word." He noted but continued when I looked at him confused. "I promised witch I'll reward you if you help me find something good... And she found Jackie of all things." He smiled. "What do you want? I can give you anything you want." He stopped and so did I, hearing Pandora's footsteps get farther from us. I felt heat rush to my face... what do I want?

"I... I don't know..." I muttered.

"I should've asked witch, she would give me a proper answer." He laughed, petting my head.

"C-can I see Sam again?" I asked. "Both of them."

The man looked surprised for a moment before smiling. "Sure, they're away right now... but once they return they're yours." He nodded.

We continued walking. "I'm letting you out of the cell as well." He said.

I glanced at him, smiling.

"Don't be so happy, I'm not trusting you in the slightest." He hissed.

"But I helped you find Jackieboy..." I yelped.

"Witch did." He noted. "And it's not just going to erase everything you caused..."

I sighed, watching my feet as we stopped again. "Do you trust witch?" I looked up.

"She's... she's easier to trust than you." He nodded. "Even while being so untrustworthy."

"I see." I nodded. I knew I couldn't blame him for not trusting me anymore... but I hated the fact he trusted a side of me which I hated. "Are you expecting me to go back to calling you 'master'?" I asked.

"I would prefer if you did, at least in front of Dark and his people." He nodded.

"And... Dark? Should I call him 'sir'?" I asked too just to make sure.

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