Chapter 76 - Idiot.

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I shifted, opening my eye as I stared at the ceiling. "Where the fuck am I?" I sighed.

"Don't be so loud... it's early..." I felt a light shove and rolled over, seeing Anti scrolling through his phone. I sat up, heat rushing to my face when I realized I was sleeping on his bed. The man pushed me back down. "Go to sleep, you're annoying."

God... How much time have passed? Crystal asked.

When did you wake up? I asked, worried that she was going to take control back.

Just now... She hummed. Stop worrying, I'm too exhausted to take over... Have fun roaming free. She added before going silent.

"What's wrong?" Anti asked, brushing through my hair.

"Crystal woke up..." I noted. "But she is letting me stay in control for now..." I added.

Anti hummed in return, moving his hand away.

"It probably upsets you..." I muttered.

"Why would you say that?" The man asked.

"Because I'm here... and not her..." I whimpered.

"I have a question for you." Anti sighed.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Do you like being an idiot?" He hissed before placing his hand on my head once more.

"I..." I had no idea what he meant.

"Just go to sleep, I'll wake you up when it's time for breakfast." He sighed again, stroking my hair as I fell back asleep.


"Good morning Crystal." Crow muttered at my direction. I didn't think twice as I hugged the man.

"I missed you so much!" I called.

"Alona-... I missed you too..." He called as well, hugging me back.

I noticed Anti rolling his eyes as he passed by us. "Touching." The demon sighed as we released the hug. "Can you move now? You're blocking the kettle..."

"Where were you? We were looking for you all day..." Crow asked but turned to Anti instead. "How did you find her?"

"She was out in the city." Anti shrugged, leaning against the counter. "Causing trouble as always."

"Thanks." I huffed.

"I can see you're feeling better." He smiled, turning away to make himself coffee.

Crow chuckled and I couldn't help it but smile too. "Where are the others?" I asked.

"It's still really early." Crow replied.

"I need to go to the living world today." Anti explained, sipping from his drink. "Speaking of which, Crow make sure she doesn't go anywhere..." He added.

"Sure thing." Crow smiled.

Two Sams flew into the room, approaching me. "Hey guys." I smiled, one was snuggling against me while the other was just staring motionlessly. "Come on, you know I missed you. Come here..." I petted him and he joined the hug.


A day have passed. I was passing through the corridor when I saw Alisia on the other side. She stared at me for a moment before leaving into one of the rooms. I sighed, entering one of the rooms as well.

"You look upset." Anti noted from his desk.

"I guess..." I shrugged.

"Come over here." He motioned with his head. "Sit down, I need to reply to a few mails but you can use your witch magic on me meanwhile..." He reached his hand towards me. I grabbed the chair which was standing at the corner and placed it beside him, taking his hand in mines as I sat down.

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