Chapter 3 - A calm day.

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I was entering the gate, typing on my phone, too focused to even watch where I was going.

"You're so lucky you can just leave and don't have to work all the time..." Emma smiled.

"What did you say?" I looked up. "Sorry, I didn't hear..."

"Nevermind, what are you doing?" She asked.

"I'm researching something for-... It doesn't matter." I shook my head. "When does your shift end?"

"It actually just ended." The girl shrugged. "Alright, time to close the gates-"

"Wait!" A yell echoed from outside the gate. "Emma Waiiiiiit!" We saw Alisia running towards the gates and breathing heavily when she finally made it.

"You're lucky, I was about to close the gates." Emma smirked.

"I know." Alisia pouted.

"Try to make it on time next time." The other sighed. "Just because I'm your friend doesn't mean I can neglect my job as the keeper."

"M'kay." Alisia attached her microphone to her belt.


"What are you writing?" Alisia peeked over my shoulder.

"Just some ideas... don't mind me." I closed my tabs. "Aren't you supposed to watch over the Jims?" I asked.

"They are fine..." She stretched in her chair. "Nothing ever happens to them."

"You should take care of them." I mumbled.


I shook my head. "Nothing." I looked over at Emma who was laying on her couch, not doing much.

"Anti released a new video." Emma noted from behind her phone.

"Thanks, I'll check it in a bit." I nodded.

It was a calm evening.


When I woke up, the bedroom was already empty. I dressed up and walked towards the kitchen, hearing people's chatter.

"Good morning." Dark smiled politely.

"Good morning sir Dark." I nodded, sitting down.

The girls seemed to take a liking to the demon, but I couldn't really. He always seemed like he was hiding way too much behind that polite smile of his...

I placed a toast on my plate, hearing footsteps coming from the entrance... rather, we heard someone dragging his feet.

"What's for breakfast?" Anti growled while sitting down.

Everyone, me included, stared blankly at the demon. Breakfasts were the only time Anti was too tired to care about being intimidating.

I ate my toast silently.

"Did you go blind?" Dark smirked.

"Shut it." The other hissed, sitting down.

I shoved another toast in my pocket before leaving the table.

"Finish the work by lunch." Anti remarked.

"Yes sir." I sighed.

I exited the dining room, rubbing my left eye. The pain seemed to love coming back when I was too focused on my researches.

"Alona, you mind dropping those documents at Anti's office? I have to go already..." Emma asked while hurrying to the door.

"Sure, good luck there!" I nodded.

I grabbed the pile of documents from Emma's desk and went towards the hallway.

I've been a few times in Anti's office, but I couldn't help but have a bad feeling everytime I entered it. I breathed in, knocking on the door.

"Yes." A voice answered and I stepped in.

"Sir, Emma asked me to give you these." I noted, laying the pile on his desk.

"Wait here, I'll go through them so you can take them back." Anti sighed.

I sat down on the couch, listening to the paper shuffling.

It was faint at first, but a buzzing static started getting louder and louder in my mind. I looked over at Anti but he continued going through the documents, not noticing anything.

"Is something wrong?" The man asked.

"I'm... not sure..." I muttered.

"I'm about done, just a minute more." Anti muttered, I wasn't sure why, but his voice was calming.

The door to the office opened with a loud thud, banging against the wall.

"Anti, look who I found sneaking around." Crow snarled, pulling a man into the office. I didn't recognize the man, nor I knew why his arms were tied, but I could gather he was in troubles.

"Hello there, do you know where you are?" Anti stood up from his desk, smiling.

"T-the void." The person breathed.

"Correct, and what makes you think you are allowed to be here?" Anti's eyes turned black.

"I-I..." The person looked lost for words.

I stood up, watching Anti as he walked back towards his desk. He picked up a knife from one of the drawers and turned back to the stranger. "Humans aren't allowed in here. You should have ran away when you could." The demon grabbed the person by his hair, sticking his knife inside his mouth. My heart skipped a beat when Anti turned his knife, still inside of the man's mouth. "Why did you come here?" I looked away just as blood started spilling from the stranger's mouth.

"I don't think he can answer that anymore." Crow laughed.

"I guess you're right." I heard Anti click his tongue, but the muffled, gurgling, screams didn't cease. "Whatever, take him away." I heard him say and I finally managed to look back. I watched Anti as he wiped his hands on a paper towel. "Why are you shaking?" He looked at me. "Are you scared?"

I shook my head.


I didn't like the situation in the slightest. But I knew I had to answer, I couldn't risk pissing the demon even more. "I'm... scared of blood, and overall of sharp object..." I said faintly.

"Good to know." He nodded, his eyes turning back to normal.

I didn't like his smile in the slightest.


(Concept art of Anti and the human Crow caught)

(Concept art of Anti and the human Crow caught)

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The Quest for PowerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora