Chapter 55 - Choice.

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"What happened?" I rubbed my eyes while sitting up.

"You passed out." Crow hummed from behind the screen. I looked around, seeing I was still in Anti's office, sitting on the couch. I glanced at Marvin, seeing bandages peeking from under his sleeves, a few scars visible underneath his mask. "Where's Anti?" I asked.

"He went to sleep." Crow muttered when suddenly he sighed, getting up from the computer. "God I'm done, finally..." He stretched.

"Marvin..." I called, the magician turning to me. "I'm... I'm sorry."

Marvin shook his head.

"We actually talked while you were out..." Crow noted. "We're basically allies by now, the three of us... aren't we?"

"I guess..." I tilted my head.

"No guessing, yes or no?" Crow folded his arms.

"We are." I nodded.

"I've been thinking since Anti's punishment..." He began. "We should help each other, as much as I want to dwell on it... we need to move on and build each other." Crow explained. I glanced at Marvin who nodded in agreement.

"It almost sounds like you're planning a revolution." I smiled.

"Don't be funny." Crow chuckled. "We are all on Anti's side, aren't we?" He smirked.

"Yeah." I nodded.


"Let me oUT OF Here!" A yell pierced my ears. "pleaSE PLEASe please juST GET Me out of here..." Alisia called from her cell. "I learnED MY LESSon! I will do anYTHING! JUST LEt me out of here!!" She was banging on the room's door.

"Alisia..." I leaned to the mic, pressing the button. "Calm down before we'll have to calm you down."

"Alona..." The girl breathed. "I don't know what I did... but I'm sorry! I'm so sO SO SO So sorry... please... get me out of here... I can't take this anymore..." She begged.

I sighed, rubbing my head. I've never heard her that desperate... I looked up when the door opened, slightly relived to see Anti enter the room.

"How is it going?" He asked. I motioned towards the one-sided window in response.

"Please... Alona... someone... anyone! I w-will do anything! Just get me o-out of here..." She started choking on her own tears.

"Good." The demon nodded, sitting in front of the mic. "Alisia, I'm going to give you a choice." Anti spoke through the microphone. "You are going to be having a new roommate soon. Do you see that knife on the table?" He asked.

The girl nodded weakly.

"You have twelve hours to decide... whether you kill your roommate, or we leave you to rot here." He explained. "Do you understand?"

The girl nodded again.

"Good. Choose wisely." He turned the microphone off.

"Do you really think she'll do it?" I asked.

"Look at her." He smirked, motioned towards her. Alisia grabbed the knife, her hands shaking.

The door to her cell opened all of a sudden and the girl hid the blade behind her back, turning to face her new roommate.

A man hugged the girl, making her drop the knife. "Jim! I'm so happy to see you..." He smiled.

"What- Jim? W-what are you doing here?" She stuttered.

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