Chapter 61 - Betrayal.

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"Hello there." I heard Pandora s voice through the speaker.

"Hey." I rolled to my side, looking at the one sided mirror, knowing she was on the other side of my reflection.

"I don't know when you've made contact with him... but my boss told me to thank you for helping him out." She explained.

I chuckled, still laying on the bed.

"D'you want me to get you out of here?" Pandora asked.

"There's no need." I sat up. "I don't really mind being here, it's not like I have anything left to do out of here anyway." I shrugged.

"You're weird." Pandora sighed through the speaker, I heard a door get closed and footsteps hurrying away.

I sighed, leaning against the wall. Sure, I would've rather be out of the cell, at least see what the community was doing... But I was willing to go along with whatever Anti was planning for me.

From his point of view, I guess I did betray him. I had no way of explaining him that I had a 'feeling' I needed to do that... The only thing left for me was to bear with the consciences of my actions.


I was laying down when I heard the door to the cell open, I didn't bother getting up and kept staring at the wall, cheek pressed against the bed. A hand pushed me, shoving me off the bed but I managed to regain my balance and catch myself before actually falling off it.

"You have the worst ways to wake someone up." I hissed.

Anti sat down beside me.

"What is it?" I asked when he remained silent.

"Crow is dying, he's losing too much blood to recover..." The demon muttered.

I sighed. "Give me your haNd." I declared, holding his palm in my hands as strings of darkness started emitting from me. "Go to him and place your hand on his chest, it shou-" I began but was cut off when he yanked his hand back.

"You do it yourself." He hissed and got up, grabbing me by the wrist and pulling me out of the cell. We walked in silence as he dragged me up the stairs, opening one of the doors and shoving me inside.

"Crow!" I called, looking at the man who laid on his bed, blood seeping through the multiple layers of bandages which covered most of his body.

"I-m gla-d to see... you-" He stopped to cough. "-re okay..." He smiled weakly.

"Don't talk." I sighed, placing my hand on his chest, right above his heart. I closed my eyes, a low hum rumbling in my throat as I concentrated. I looked again, seeing darkness forming around Crow's body, swallowing him whole and finally dissolving as he closed his eyes.

I stepped back from him, turning towards Anti.

"What did you do?" He called.

"He's asleep." I replied. "He won't bleed as much if his heart isn't pumping as much blood..."

"Is he-?" The demon grabbed my shoulder.

"He's alive, Anti. He'll wake up if his body gets better..." I muttered, staring at the floor as I raised my arm, flinching when he grabbed my wrist again.

We exited the room, stopping when a man passed in front of us.

"Did you vatch it?" Schneeplestein asked, crossing his arms.

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