(76) The Bigger The Head, The Easier The Target

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There are only TWO CHAPTERS in this story that have over 1,000 reads — my highest read count in CF. The very first chapter, and...

chapter 68...aka the shower scene 😂😂 Y'all....I'm actually dead 💀😂


DISCLAIMER: I live in Canada. Aka I know nothing about Italian because it's not our second language and I'm not Italian. AKA I used google translate and I'm aware it's all wrong and fucked up so to the entire population of Italy and every person who reads this that knows Italian...sweetie I am so sorry. Just focus on the English. Lol :(

Enjoy ❤️❤️☺️


Super Bowl LII
February 4th 2018 @ 5:30pm CT
U.S. Bank Stadium
Minneapolis, Minnesota
F3 Row 15

Marley's mind went blank. Blank. She stared dumbly down at the two tickets in front of her, her mouth fallen open. The words blurred. Dreaming.

She's dreaming. Definitely dreaming.

But there Aiden was, tightening his arms around her torso and bringing her back to earth, his lips pressing against her ear, "41 feet from the game, baby."

"Oh. My. Gods."

Her hands shook around the papers. Super Bowl. Her first football game was going to be THE football game and she couldn't breathe.

"The game starts in the afternoon so we're staying overnight. I booked the flights, the hotel-"


Aiden flinched backwards while Ian and Dylan jumped in surprise. Marley stood from the floor, the papers clenched in her hand and a smile wide enough to break her face.

Aiden was still rubbing his ears from the shout, but his smile was there nonetheless, "Only the best for my football super fan."

Marley's eyes fell back to the paper. Aiden. Paper. Aiden. Paper.

No freaking way.

Her body physically couldn't handle this amount of excitement. Her brain shut down. This blew everything out of the water — everything he's ever bought her, and everything he's ever done for her.

All of it. This surpasses all of it.

Marley dropped the cards with reckless abandon and made a dash for Aiden, straddling his lap while he grunted with the sudden weight. She didn't give him any time to react when she smashed her lips to his, not held responsible for her reaction when her boyfriend buys her a ticket to the damn Super Bowl.

His lips danced with hers but only hesitatingly. His hands locked around her waist as he pulled away to address Ian and Dylan, "Maybe you guys can-fuck," he whispered the last part under his breath when her eager lips locked on his all over again.

High on love because god dammit this boy is good.

Marley heard the sound of Ian and Dylan taking their leave with snickers. She was otherwise preoccupied.

Cabin Fever | ✓Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon