(49) Deal With The Devil

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Before Ian's fist could make contact on Eli's face, he was being brutally tackled to the ground by a man who was at least three of him. Marley shrieked. Aiden's grip adjusted to her wrist, yanking her behind him in a vain, impulsive attempt to be two places at once.

He managed one powerful shove at the guy restraining Ian before he was attacked from both sides by men who rightfully assumed that he would need more than one to take him down.

His hand ripped from her wrist, desperately grasping for it again even as he flew to the floor.

Marley was crying, her body shaking as Ian laid limp with a bloody nose, cheek pressed against the filth on the floor, with his hands locked against his lower back.

Aiden was an animal as much as his every move was calculated and cold. She was untouched, while all of the men in the room raged on her boyfriend and the entertainment of a fight.

It was a mess of fists flying as Aiden singlehandedly knocked out multiple guys at once with more skill than she ever dreamed he had. He tackled, elbowed, but eventually when four guys turned to seven, he had met his match.

When he was shoved onto his back, held down, and punched straight in the face, blood splattering across the floor, she lost her sanity, too. Marley ran for her boyfriend without a single care about what the consequences would be.

Aiden spit out the blood in his mouth, blue eyes locked on hers widening immediately.

"Marley! Don't!-"

She was yanked brutally backwards by her upper arms, thrashing and crying as a sweaty, rancid body pressed against hers, squeezing.

"Almost forgot about you. Didn't we, Princess?" the man behind her mused mockingly.

Ian was shouting in the background, Eli and Dallas watching on as if this was entertainment.

Aiden's blue eyes turned deadly when they scanned over her and the man pressed against her, as another shot of adrenaline hit him. He managed to shove himself out of the deadlock, decking a guy in the jaw and kicking another in the stomach.

By now, he had injured about five men on his own. But even as he attempted to close the distance to Marley, more and more came. Like pests. An infestation.

"Stop!" She screamed as four new men tackled him again, this time on his stomach. He was still thrashing, fighting, refusing to accept defeat even though he was bruised and battered.

Seeing Aiden like this, it was destroying her. She was hysterical, a sobbing, snotty mess as Aiden was slowly brought to his feet with much struggle and hassle. Four guys were restraining him, holding his every limb in place.

"Don't do this to him!" Ian pleaded, being shut up successfully when the man holding him tightened his grip like a curling vine.

Marley's eyes locked on Eli's, "Please! What do you want?!" She begged, instinctively thrashing.

Aiden spit out more blood onto the floor, blue eyes raging steel on the man who was restraining her.

"Get your fucking hands off her!" He shouted, another round of thrashing ensuing as Eli sauntered over to a trembling Marley.

He lifted his head to the man holding her, waving his fingers, "Let her go."

As soon as the warmth disappeared she made a dash for Aiden, but Eli's hand curled around her bicep to stop her. She yelped at the fresh aches of the previous hold causing Aiden to shove and struggle again.

"You think this is how you get what you want?! You were fucking dead to me the second you involved mine in this! You understand?! Dead!"

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