(66) Ohana

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Marley gulped, dropping Aiden's hand and putting generous distance between herself and her boyfriend. Not that it mattered — they were both sitting in the same hot water right now.

"We just went for a drive and to McDonald's," Aiden said calmly, "it was my idea."

Bryan pursed his lips, his eyes locking on Marley's. She tore hers away to look at the ground. The reckless bad boy gig definitely comes with more than perks.

"Marley, I've been reassured that you're supervised at camp as have the rest of the parents. Whether I've been convinced of that is out of the question, but when you're home, you're still seventeen. You're under my supervision as your legal guardian."

"I'm sorry," she whispered, lifting her head to connect their gazes. Aiden was bristling beside her — she could tell he was holding back from speaking and she was glad for it. "It won't happen again."

"Sneaking out with your boyfriend in the middle of the night until four am? I'd hope so-"

"She gets it," Aiden snapped, earning a sharp look from Marley. He didn't spare her a glance, staring down Bryan with hostility, "You know you can trust her, and that she's going through a hard time right now."

Marley's head shot to Bryan, watching him stand from the chaise worriedly. Aiden shifted, his body covering hers instinctively, but Bryan only held his place, crossing his arms.

"I understand, probably more than you do, given that I've known her for a lot longer than you have. But that's no excuse to break the rules. You're crossing a line involving yourself in this, Aiden. Go get ready for bed. I need to talk to Marley-"

"Like hell you are," Aiden snapped, earning surprised looks from the two people in the room.

Not that Marley was all that surprised. She grabbed his forearm in an attempt to move him back, but he didn't budge, his eyes narrowed on Bryan's - whose patience was wearing thin. Understandably, given that this is his house and he was needing to remind a guest that he's in charge.

Bryan crossed his arms, "You either walk away, or you can kiss the couch goodbye and go home."

"Fine," Aiden spit, taking her hand, "Let's go Marl-"

"She's not going anywhere."

"Then neither am I."

"Then show some goddamn respect."

"Then pull the fucking stick out of your ass-"

"Aiden!" Marley whisper-shouted, turning her head back and forth between Bryan and her boyfriend, "Both of you, stop!"

She ripped her hand from his, standing on Aiden's right with her arms now crossed hoping to show assertion. Bryan exhaled but Aiden was still tense beside her.

"Bryan," she began in a softer tone, turning her head to lock eyes with him, "What I did was wrong. So wrong. Sneaking out and lying about it. I'm sorry. Sincerely. You know I'm not like that, but everything lately got the better of me and I felt trapped. Still, it's no excuse, and it won't happen again. I appreciate that you're allowing Aiden to stay here. He'll be on the couch for the rest of the night."

Bryan seemed to see the genuineness in her apology, his eyes softening when she explained how she felt with her father in the hospital. He took a few deep breaths, nodding, "Alright. One free pass. I trust you, Marley. But, Aiden if I check the living room and you're not on the couch-"

"I need to say something," Aiden interrupted coolly, with an expression that had Marley's eyes widening in panic. He took two steps closer while she gripped his arm, trying to pull him back. "Something I haven't said yet, but should have when she stepped foot in here."

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