(10) Kidnapping Is Really Convincing Me To Forgive You

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Leo knew. Whatever this was, whatever reason why Aiden would leave in a fit of anger and go to a women's shelter - he understood. Because after they found out, the second she told him into the phone where Aiden was, he told her he'd meet her outside and hung up.

That was all.

No surprise. No million questions. The way he responded to her, it was almost like he was upset with himself that he didn't catch on sooner, as if he should have known.

Today has been a mess, a colossal, awful, shit storm that Marley wants nothing more than a reprieve from. How is it possible that in one day: Alec kisses her, they are recorded and posted on an anonymous Instagram, said anonymous Instagram blackmails her into recording the truth about what happened at Dalton's party last month - said truth which involves Conner being sketchy, Dalton and Milly being involved in rival gangs, Elena being drugged and nearly assaulted, and Jordan's one show of humanity. Oh, and Aiden decided to disappear without a word, and Leo punched Alec in the face.

Shit. Storm.

With the shock of Alec's truth wearing off into worry for Aiden, anger and frustration quickly followed as her knee bounced in the back seat of the Uber she ordered. She was alone, not even Gabby tagging along as they all silently got the message that this was a personal moment between Aiden and his closest people.

At a women's shelter. Why on God's green earth would a seventeen year old who just found out he was cheated on - in a manipulative, lie of an Instagram post - decide to go visit abused and traumatized women?

Error: no freaking correlation

Error: Aiden Matthews makes no freaking sense

Marley growled under her breath, flushing in embarrassment when the Uber driver gave her an alarmed look through the rear view mirror. When he pulled up to the three story, dark bricked apartment building on the edge of town, Marley nearly threw the door open and barrel rolled out of the moving vehicle.


Because next to Leo, leaning against the black car that was presumably Leo's ride to the shelter, was Aiden Matthews. His arms were crossed, his expression unreadable as he stared ahead at the front of the women's shelter across the street with blank blue eyes while Leo spoke to him in hushed tones with the same blank expression.

The worst part? That Aiden looked as delectable and handsome as always - in his grey sweats and black t-shirt. Marley scolded herself for checking him out right now.

Her hands curled into fists at his nonchalance at the fact that he scared the crap out of her. At the fact that for a second he believed she'd cheat on him - with Alec of all people!

As soon as the driver slid into the spot behind Leo and Aiden, Marley was wiggling at the doorknob, "I'll be back in a second" she hissed out, not worried about paying at this very moment.

She slammed the door with all her might, shaking with anger and alerting her boyfriend of her presence as she stomped in her signature converse across the sidewalk. Aiden leaned off the car as she reached him, whacking his muscular chest over and over again until he was holding her wrists. The sun was still light in the sky, too, so his face and jawline were so perfect and handsome it made her scowl even more.

"How. Dare. You!" She thrashed in his hold, knowing she was causing a scene with her little tantrum, right on the side of a busy road, but not giving a damn right now.


"Screw you, Aiden!" She tried to sound strong, but her voice wavered, "Do you have any goddamn idea what I've been going through?! You left - again. Without giving me a chance to explain when you acted so damn-"

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