(38) 💏 Until 🤫

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[votes & comments = a double update Wednesday!]


At around one o'clock pm that afternoon, Marley found Gabby in their room, and they both decided to order an Uber and go out for lunch. They brought their backpacks as well, planning to study together for the test Monday - something they've always done together back home.

After changing into a pair of dark navy skinny jeans, her brown knee high boots, and a black long sleeve, knit sweater, Marley tied her hair up into a top knot (one of the only hairstyles she can actually accomplish on her own), and left the bathroom.

Gabby was leaning back on her hands on Marley's bed, wearing a pair of jeans, her converse, and a long sleeve red shirt beneath her black rain jacket. The two of them have never been girly girls, but the girls they've become friends with here have begun to rub off on them.

Marley slipped on her light brown leather jacket, a lucky thrift store find, as Gabby opened the door to their room. She fiddled with the necklace around her neck, exposing it to be the one Aiden got her for the club opening. She was wearing the watch and bracelet now too, always appreciating everything her boyfriend does for her.

Marley watched Gabby tie her blonde hair up in a ponytail, her typical pair of glasses perched on her freckled nose as they walked down the wooden stairs. While Marley only needs hers for reading, Gabby is nearly blind as a bat without her black Ray Bans.

"I've been slacking as a best friend lately." Marley's shoulders sagged in guilt and shame as they left the girls cabin into the misty, damp atmosphere. A December in California is not only characterized by relatively cold weather, but also a lot of rainy days.

Gabby reached for Marley's hand and squeezed it, her pale green eyes boring into her best friends' hazel ones, "You've literally had so much going on, Mar. From drama to your relationship to-"

"Irrelevant," Marley cut her off, squeezing Gabby's hand right back, "You're my best friend, and I promise to make time for you. You're important to me. And when someone is important to you, there is no such thing as too busy."

Gabby smiled with a shake of her head, "You know we'll always be okay."

At the sound of their mantra, Marley felt an ache of nostalgia in her chest. Everything had done a 180 since they've been here. Their whole lives had changed. But this - their friendship, will always remain the same.

They stick together, no matter what.

"So," Gabby began as they swung their clasped hands between them, the swaying trees around them and the gravel crunching beneath their feet, "you rusty on Darwinism, or need a refresh?"

Marley snorted, "Where do you want to start? Genetic drift? Mutation? Migration?"


The Uber driver was most definitely concerned for the two girls in the back seat, who dove into Darwinism with excited hand gestures and laughter. Traits that are learned and traits that are passed down through genetics have always fascinated them, and it had been so long since they truly spent time alone, where Marley wasn't moping and a shell of herself.

They both had a silent agreement to keep quiet about the real topics until they arrived at a quaint, adorable coffee shop on the edge of the city.

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