(7) You See Anything You've Never Seen Before, I'll Buy You Another Ferrari

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"All of it," he croaked, "The help with my brother. The way you're always level-headed in heated conflicts. You had no money to give Marley, when you spent two hundred dollars on us at the arcade. The desperation for a scholarship. How well you understand my triggers and you never allowed all of my faults and mistakes to push you away, because you can see better than anyone how much of it's a mask for pain. It's seeing that message and believing the worst so you could leave before I could. Marley..." his fingers tightened around her hair before he released her in one fell swoop.

She dropped her hands and watched him pull his knees to his chest, an action so odd and unordinary that she didn't know what to do with herself watching him, "If I ever...when we kissed, fuck," he growled out, his chin on his knees and his eyes squeezed shut, "I was rough with you. I shouldn't have been. After everything you've been through I...fuc-"

"Aiden! You weren't, okay?" She scrambled in front of him and placed her hands on his, watching him flinch, "look at me, Aiden."

"I'm sorr-"

"Aiden. Open your damn eyes."

He finally fluttered his lashes, and she never wanted to see those stunning eyes this empty again, "Our first kiss was..." she felt her blush betray her, "it was the most magical thing I've ever felt. I'm glad you didn't know at the time, because you would've treated me differently and not like the Aiden Matthews I know and love. I don't want you to treat me differently because of what I told you. I'm the same person. You just know more about me now."

"I'd kill him, you know. And the guy that...I'd...fuck Marley. I can't even...I don't know how to feel this. How could they ever leave you? How could they do this to you? How could any man hurt you? You're such a goddamn angel despite the hell you were dragged through and it's not fair. It's so damn unfair."

Marley placed a hand over his shoulder and pressed it against the back of his neck, smiling softly, "But I'm here now. This camp was the best decision I've ever made."

Aiden's eyes flashed with realization, and his hold on his legs loosened, "You're not going home. You can't. You're seventeen and your father is gone. You can stay with me, I'll buy you a goddamn hous-"

She pressed a kiss to his lips to quiet him, and his body instinctively relaxed in her hold. Marley smiled into the kiss when he grabbed her waist and pulled her onto his lap without breaking contact. After a few more seconds he pulled away, pressing his forehead against hers.

Marley exhaled calmly, "I have a legal guardian who will take care of me until I'm 18 and I'm in University. The man I spoke about...his name is Detective Bryan. He was Officer Bryan when we met when I was eleven, and my father was arrested for the first time. He's helped me out financially, I have a place in his guest room anytime I need it. He's the closest I've ever had to a father and one of the most selfless people I know."

Marley watched Aiden's blue eyes tighten considerably, his arms lock around her sides, "You're not related. Marley. I can't-can't do that. I can't let you stay with him. You understand? I won't be able to sleep or eat knowing you're with a man who isn't..." Marley felt his hands trembling behind her back, his voice shaking.

Her eyebrows furrowed with worry as she placed her hands on his biceps on either side, feeling the shaking slow as she did, "Aiden. You can meet him and trust me, he's an amazing person. He's worlds a better man than my own father. He may not be blood, but he's my family. He's the only one who never left."

Aiden took a deep, trying breath and leaned his face into her shoulder, "I'll very reluctantly consider meeting him. A whole other hurdle will be leaving you alone with him for a damn second - let alone overnight. One meeting, maybe, is all I promise you. Nothing more."

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