(46) You're The Bermuda Triangle Of The Group Chat

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"Ice skates? You bought me ice skates?"

Marley hovered a hand over the two white figure skates resting neatly in the tissue paper. The silver blades were covered with black protectors but they were gleaming in the exposed slits. The white laces were tied ceremoniously and they were shiny and new.

Her head shot up to raise an eyebrow at Aiden.

"So what, you were gonna float over the ice?" He teased, "And technically Ian did. I transferred him the money beforehand but he bought them back home. He needed to bring my hockey skates anyway."

"You'll have a great teacher by the way," Ian cut in bitterly, "My brother received all the 'good at sports' genes meant to be dispersed to the both of us."

Aiden rolled his eyes at his brother's dramatics.

Marley shook her head to clear it, flipping the lid back down on the skates, "They have skates to rent, Aiden. This is too much. Ian, can you return these and give Aiden back the money, please?"

"I can't promise I'll do the second one," Ian smirked deviously while Aiden rolled his eyes.

"He's not bringing them back. They're yours."

Marley sighed loudly, not wanting to flip out on him in the middle of the restaurant, "I've told you again and again that I don't like it when you buy me things. If I wanted skates of my own, I would've paid for them myself. But I don't. Return them."

"I'm not carrying these all the way back home. One way was enough." Ian cut in on Team Aiden, causing Marley to shoot him an angry look before turning back to said boyfriend.

"Consider them a Christmas present." He suggested.

Marley smiled, "Okay. My one Christmas present. Right here."

She watched Aiden's expression drop immediately, "To clarify: one of your Christmas presents. I'm spoiling the hell out of you. Deal with it."

She threw her hands up, "I don't want your money, Aiden. I can't do this for you so it's not fair."

His eyes narrowed, "I don't want you to buy me anything."


He turned to face his brother, holding out a hand towards Marley, "See what I have to deal with?"

She pointed at Aiden right back, turning towards Ian too, "See what I have to deal with?" she mocked.

Aiden growled, "I'd pin your wrists above your head and shut you up against a wall right now if we weren't in a crowded restaurant. Keep pushing this and I might do it anyway."

Marley face lit up bright red immediately, her stomach doing acrobats as she smacked his bicep with the back of her hand, "Aiden! No!"

"Then accept the skates. Conversation over. Next topic. We have to leave in-"

"Conversation not over. I'm not accepting the skates and you know exactly why. I accepted the dress you bought me for the club opening because the girls told me you went shopping and really put heart into it, and I wasn't about to stomp all over that but that was my one exception."

Aiden took deep breaths and ran his hands over his face tiredly, "You're so damn stubborn."

Marley narrowed her hazel eyes on the side of his head, "If I was a gold digger who accepted everything you bought me and asked you for money I wouldn't be any different than other girls."

"Preach," Ian cut in, watching their argument with an entertained glee.

Aiden dropped his hands and shot his frustrated, blue eyed gaze to her, "They're ice skates. They cost less than a hundred dollars. If you were a gold digger you'd be disappointed not shocked."

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