(83) Hope

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1) Since June of 2018 I've been writing nearly every day — segments or sometimes entire chapters — and that's so draining. Fellow authors will understand firsthand how mentally and emotionally tiring it is to not only be yourself and live your own life, but other characters at the same time. Male and female. Young and old. Experience things — that you created — through their eyes is tough to balance out with everyday life :) So I will be taking a long break after CF is over :(

2) those who comment and vote and participate and mention my story outside of my actual story — whether referencing in other books, recommending to friends or other authors is just...I have goosebumps thinking about it. Ok. Love that. Can't believe that. Where am i?!?!
Thank you lovely people of this earth 🌍💕

3) I've gotten multiple requests by multiple readers to do a Q&A. I've never done one before because I genuinely don't think anybody would give an F about my life n shit BUT if you would miraculously want to ask me questions related to my stories, myself, my writing or anything else under the sun — comment your questions on this paragraph and I'll publish my answers in a separate 'chapter'. If u do care at all thx 😂😂❤️

Okay now for the chapter. Buckle up for the entire @dirtycheater__cwthaw reveal.

You'll be shook.

Just saying.


"Did you reach Bryan?"

"Yes. He doesn't want to involve the local police. Asked if you could keep him here until he can fly out."

"That's not an issue. He's not running. He found what he was running to but I'm not letting him anywhere near her."

Marley felt eyes on her back. She ignored them easily. It was a strange sensation to be thinking of absolutely nothing at all. Mind blank. Body numb.

"I agree with you. If this is real...I mean holy shit. Holy shit. I-holy shit."

Door opening and closing. Another voice reverberating through Aiden and Leo's room.

"We have the truth. All of it. "Jen and Jay wouldn't say anything to the guys, but Trish did. She had no reason to hide anything anymore."

"They were all in it together," Ethan said as the door shut. "Trish was the one who took the photo of Jordan cheating, and posted it in the first place because she was pissed off. That's why she wasn't surprised about him cheating on her at the carnival. She already knew."

"Jay caught her taking the photo, told her he would expose her and have her removed from camp if she didn't give him access to the account. He was bitter about Conner pushing Jen out of camp and hoped to use the account to help her get revenge on everyone involved. Marley. Aiden. Your friends."

Ethan's words were rushed, the truth falling out of his mouth. An obvious story forming.

"Apparently, Jen has been here all along because of other business she has here I'll explain later. Other posts that have nothing to do with us was just dirt they came across in their investigating that would help them stay under the radar and keep it from seeming like a targeted hit."

"Jordan...he confided in Jay about Elena's pregnancy. Trish gave Jordan the idea to blackmail Marley because she wanted the baby gone, too and knew how easily manipulated Elena is. They needed to get Marley alone, knowing  the only place was the bathrooms. They had this other plan to pay the same guy to spill a Gatorade on you while Jen staked outside to make sure Jordan and Trish were ready for you in the bathrooms. When the snowball fight was announced, Jen had to hide at last minute and found her way into the ditch. That gave her the idea, so she followed the ditch out of view and texted Trish, Jordan and Jay the new plan. The guy was notified to push Marley into the ditch and you all know what happens next. Trish had abuse motivations to get Jordan in jail and hurt by you for what he did to her, Jordan obviously wanted the baby gone, and Jay dealt with the cops so that you wouldn't be kicked out of camp. If you were, you would've looked like a hero. Jen wanted to split the two of you up and needed you here to do that."

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