(36) I Could Have An Opening To Be The Big Spoon For A Few Hours

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"'Hey, Aiden?!' Where the fuck are you Marley?! I tell you to stay with me and agree to take you along and you disappear for fifteen minutes, ignore my calls, and the most you have to say while I'm losing my fucking mind thinking about the worst case scenarios, searching for your drunk ass IN A CROWDED CLUB is 'hey, Aiden'?! Are you fucking kidding me right now?!"

Even though the music was loud, Aiden's shout was the reason why Marley had to tilt the speaker away from her ear. She had been expecting this though, "I'm fine, okay? I'm just outside but I'm with Bree, Jess and Larissa. Look, it's a long story and I-"

"You're outside?! OUTSIDE?! On a random sidewalk in a city, close to a club with dozens of drunk people in the goddamn nighttime?! Dressed like you are - disoriented, defenceless?! Do you have any idea what I would go through if something fucking happened to you?! Christ, Marley!"

She winced again, "We're in front of the Starbucks?"

"You are in so much goddamn trouble. I swear to...What were you thinking?!"

Aiden was huffing and puffing, clearly on his way to her by the muffled sound of him shoving - or probably more like bulldozing - through bodies.

She was nervous at the prospect of seeing Aiden's angry warpath headed straight for her, "Okay. I'm going to hang-"

"Like hell you're hanging up. You stay on the damn line until I can see you with my own eyes."

Marley slumped against the wall, seeing Bree nervously staring down at her phone screen, too. Clearly, Aiden wasn't the only worried boyfriend right now.

"You better have the world's best excuse as to why you would leave the fucking building let alone-"

"Jess and Larissa saw who posted the video," Marley rushed out, shivering, "We know whose running the dirty cheater account, okay?! That's why we're out here."

Aiden was quiet for a second, the loud pulsating of the club fading from the background of the call. After another few seconds, the line went dead, so Marley looked up.

Sure enough, Aiden was storming down the sidewalk with balled fists, hair that was mussed from running his fingers through it, and hardened blue eyes.

She oomphed as he yanked her into his hold, but with the cool weather outside it was a welcoming warmth. He buried his nose into her coffee brown waves, inhaling deeply, squeezing her tighter.

"You scared the fuck out of me. Do you understand?"

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't be out here. But I'm fine, Aiden. I'm fine." She soothed, reaching up to circle her arms around his neck and hug him back.

He took a few deep breaths before taking a step away and gently cupping her cheeks, looking her over, seemingly for damage.

After knowing she was intact and appearing satisfied, he slipped his leather jacket off his shoulders and gestured for her to put her arms in. While she did as was told without words spoken, Aiden's blue eyes flickered towards the other girls.

"So you had to take her outside alone to tell her this?"

"Aiden, stop it. Bree and I made the choice to come along, alright?"

He grunted and pulled her into his side, hand squeezing around her waist. Marley was now warmer drowning in his large jacket that was still heated from his body.

He kissed her hair, "Who was it? Who has been doing this?"

"Ethan," Larissa blurted, "Ethan Layton."

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