(56) Attack Of The Boyfriend Stealers: World War Groupie

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Aiden Matthews, Marley has decided a long time ago, was born in the spotlight. Under a shining, gleaming beacon that embodies him at all times. Said beacon which tends to attract the female population more than anything else.

It's his confident aura, the way he carries himself. His effortless, casual sense of self has others wanting to be close to him. Being acknowledged by Aiden Matthews was something of an accomplishment to be proud of, and gives validation to oneself. It's always been like that at Kingston High.

At Kingston, Aiden Matthews is the true cool level to pine after. He's the definition of unattainable hottie - and it wasn't a status he strived for, either. It was just Aiden being himself and leaving their peers - mostly the female demographic - starstruck and taken aback.

Marley can see why other girls flirt with her boyfriend so frequently. He screams successful future when most his age scream burnout, and doesn't have to speak a word to charm the pants (or panties) off of almost anyone.

He's the guy. The guy you want to be on the arm of at parties. The guy you want in the bedroom and the guy you want to introduce to your parents. The guy you want to follow into the future.

But, he's also Marley's guy.

Which means as much as she has an understanding as to why he's so sought after, it always leaves her mouth bitter and her expression soured like she'd just sucked the juice from a lemon - when she has the pleasure of witnessing it firsthand.

She does have to take small victories though; ever since she and Aiden started dating the population of pining girls has become a fluctuating number rather than a constant crowd. She's still been witness to one too many occurrences of the pesky nuisances at school, during lunch, and in the guys cabin but as much as Aiden flinches and dives away from them like their touch would poison him, they never seem to get the message.

Maybe it's the Victoria's Secret perfume they wear which seems to suffocate entire rooms of unsuspecting innocents.

"This is a way of life I'm going to have to accept, right?"

Gabby shot her a sideways glance, "Do you want to hear the truth or a lie you'll probably like more?"

Marley nudged Gabby's shoulder with her own, rolling her eyes but quickly returning their steely gaze to the latest leech.

If her life were a video game she is now convinced it'd be called Attack of the Boyfriend Stealers: World War Groupie. In which the girls themselves have the power to shoot lasers out of their eyes with every withering, jealous-ridden glare sent Marley's way.

If that were the case, the video game would have to have unlimited lives because she'd surely have been incinerated to nothing by now.

It was Tuesday morning before class and after breakfast, in which she and Gabby decided to go for a short walk along the trails before the buses arrived at 8:15 for the school building. Leaving her boyfriend, aka a hot commodity around here is just asking for at least one girl to make their move.

It's usually the entire group that repels the girls away - Jason, Ryan, Brendan, Tristan, Bree, Kelly, Sarah, and now Leo - from Aiden because of, well, The Untouchables vibe that Jess and Larissa were referring to. They mind their own business, and have an aura that tells others to.

But, as surely as the sun rises and the world turns and the acceleration of gravity on any falling object is 9.8 meters per second squared — Aiden Matthews will always have fangirls.

Today's special is a tall, gorgeous brunette with hair in soft curls cascading down to her waist and flawless, casual makeup. She was dressed in tight jeans, heeled boots and an over the shoulder, sheer sweater which all worked to perfectly accentuate her model figure.

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