(39) So I'm Being The 'Cheating Girlfriend' Or Whatever

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"If I lose I'll use rock to fucking punch all of you into a coma, paper to write your obituaries, and scissors to cut off your life support in the hospital."

They were all sat in the girls room the next morning, Marley with her head in her hands at Aiden's stiff back and threatening words. Jason, Brendan, and Ryan all took a small step back at the same time.

"It's only fair that we all have the same chance at having to pretend to cheat," Tristan said, "None of us want to do this but we all agreed last night that this is the only plan that will work."

The guys were about to do rock paper scissors on which one of their girlfriends would have to be the 'cheating girlfriend' in the narrative they present to lure in the owner of the @dirtycheater_cwthaw account.

They haven't decided what to do with the whole 'guy ' aspect of it all yet.

Bree and Jason did rock paper scissors ten minutes ago to determine if it would be a guy cheating or a girl. Suffice to say Marley felt like a thousand pounds of bricks had been lifted off her chest when Jason won and the guys were in the clear. But Aiden wasn't happy. At all.

"Aiden," Marley sighed, leaning back on her bed on her hands, "it's not actual cheating. We agreed to a hug and flirty touching-"

Aiden spun around with tight blue eyes, "Another fucking guy is flirty touching you over my dead body."

"Man we all hate this, alright?" Jason cut in easily, "That's why we have to do something fair. There's a chance you won't even have to worry anyway."

Aiden growled under his breath and turned back to face the circle. All the guys' backs were tense, nobody wanting to sacrifice their girlfriend to another guy - even if it's fake and for a good cause. After about two minutes of tense silence, nobody wanting to start, Bree stood from Tristan's bed and threw her hands up in frustration.

"If you guys won't play the damn game, we'll do it and you all leave the room."

Marley stood too, agreeing with this plan. Aiden stormed over to her and circled his muscled arms around her waist, shoving her into his chest, "You're not going to lose this."

She patted his taut back soothingly, "There's three other girls, Aiden. I could win. Now go outside and wait like everyone else."


"Marley you're not in this."

Was the first thing that Kelly said as soon as the guys finally, reluctantly, headed outside of Gabby, Marley, Kelly and Tristan's room. It was just the girlfriends left - Bree, Kelly, Tristan and her.

Currently, they were all looking at Marley with resigned expressions. She raised a questioning eyebrow, "What do you mean by me 'not being in it'?" She demanded.

"Can we just just be real for a second?" Tristan said calmly, crossing her arms, "this plan is all about being discreet. There is nothing discreet about Aiden. Aka, if it turns out that you're the one who needs to cozy up to another guy somewhere, chances are he'll blow our cover somehow, and then we won't be any closer to finding out who runs the account."

Marley opened her mouth to protest, but when logic kicked in her shoulders slumped, "I guess you guys are right," she muttered in defeat, walking back to her bed and taking a seat, "It just doesn't feel fair."

"It's perfectly fair," Bree replied easily, "because I'm volunteering."

Marley, Tristan, and Kelly's heads all shot to the dark haired girl at the same time, "What?!"

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