(21) It Accentuates Your Bad Boy Image

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Marley tried to be discreet about tapping people back from the ground. There was also the plan to have fake doctors who would also wake up to the person on the group and they'd tap at the same time.

But her peers were right, seeing her with the other doctors had the other team hesitating. They'd move to throw it like normal, but take a second or two to consider before they did.

They were doing well, too. Aiden and Leo have both been targeting each other since the start, and being football players, throwing snowballs so fast if they actually ended up hitting each other it'd knock them unconscious.

That's why Aiden's been down a little more often than the others, because he's so focused on his best friend that the others can toe the line and hit him when he's not looking. Marley made it to his side, holding a hand on his shoulder for probably the tenth time while Leo was grinning victoriously, tossing a snowball back and forth between his hands, dodging incoming ones at the same time.

"Do you guys have to be this competitive?" She asked him, watching him jump to his feet.

He was quickly dropping back down though, when he slid in front of her to block a snowball that would've hit her on the chest.

"It's fun to fuck with him," Aiden replied, already snatching a snowball off the ground and winding up to toss it at probably 50mph (60 kph) towards Leo.


She turned around to see someone unfamiliar, far from the main fighting in front of the ditch. The other doctors that were hanging by trailed behind her, but most of them were hit. She stopped to help them but they said to go and get the guy, assuming she'd be safe that far away.

She watched her surroundings as she made the trek, watching the guy smile in relief, "Thanks for coming out here."

"How'd you get all the way over here?" She asked as she circled around to his side, touching his shoulder.

He sprung to his feet after she did, his eyes taking in the fighting behind her and seeming calmed by something. She turned around to see what he was looking at.

"Jordan wanted me to be."

It was so quick that she had no time to react. This guy, she'd barely seen him for under a minute, barely spoken a few words to him.

But still, he grabbed her by the shoulders, spun her around, and threw her into the ditch.

She didn't even scream, that's how surprised she was as she careened towards the hard terrain, mud, and rocks. The pain flared immediately, the wind knocked out of her and her entire being coated with mud. She coughed and choked for air, groaning at the pain pricking in every inch of her skin.

"Jordan wanted me to be."

Why would Jordan do this to her? Why would he go out of his way to physically injure her?

Marley's head spun as she took in her torn jeans, cuts on her legs and on the palms of her hands. She slowly slid upwards, chattering with the cold mud seeping through her clothes.

The ditch was deep too, so there was little chance she would be able to climb out on her own with her muddy, slippery state. She wasn't sure what to do, given she'd make herself dirtier by touching her injuries or moving too much.

Her head was still spinning as she heard an unfamiliar voice calling her, "Marley! There's like ten people down!"

"I'm here!" She shouted back, groaning again when she felt the soreness of her chest.

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