Extra 2: Aiden's POV - The Butterfly Clip

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STOP HERE UNLESS YOU HAVE READ PAST CHAPTER 12 OF CABIN FEVER. Finishing the entire story is recommended.


ok... we good :)


You've just been visited by the surprise update fairy 🧚‍♀️❤️☺️
Happy Friday!!!


It's been less than a month since I've ended Cabin Fever and since then I've been in such a rollercoaster mood...sad at the end of an era but excited as to what the new one, what book three holds 👩‍💻

Release date will be revealed on June 11th. I'm hoping until the release date I'll be able to get some serious editing done. I feel like after CF I've crossed over a new level of my writing, coming closer and closer to finding my 'final' voice.

That voice which isn't the same as it was in June of 2018 — a whole year ago. I was younger, less literate, and understood my vision behind my series wayyy less. Now that I do understand more, I'm hoping to do some revamping of the unedited rough drafts of CWTHAW and CF.

While working on that and the sequel, I may post a few things here and there, like this 'extra' for example. Vote if you enjoy them as much as I do! One of my growing purposes with these moving forward will be to broaden the knowledge of the characters in my stories that aren't the main voice. Give them more life, and provide readers insight as to why they are the way they are.

Aiden is nine, and this will be in his third person POV. The language, the thoughts and diction all are meant to be from the mind of someone young and far less observant, less thoughtful, and less self-aware than Marley is. Nevertheless, I really like how it turned out ❤️


For those of you who don't remember Violet, it's a long story, one that you can go back and refresh your memory on in chapters 11 and 12 of this story, Cabin Fever. It's not necessary to read that to understand this — since this one shot details events happening beforehand — but recommended.


Though it does not include any scenes of domestic violence, this one shot does involve the discussion of child abuse, which can be difficult to read for those who have a sensitivity to it. Just a heads up, as always.


💕 Don't forget to vote and comment if you enjoy! Ahh so happy to be back even for one update! 💕


Friday, February 20th 2010
Aiden's POV

Aiden watched his nanny make him scrambled eggs once, her fork whacking back and forth across the bowl, the yolk mixing with the clear stuff and the little white stuff until it was a yellow liquid. He watched it turn fluffy in the pan, and then squirted ketchup all over it on his plate afterwards.

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