(71) That's Three Comments About The Yoga Pants, Matthews

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"Question: where have those yoga pants been for the past few months?"

Marley shot Aiden the most withering glare she could, sinking into the passengers seat, "Take me back."

"Nope," Aiden replied cheerily, kneeling at her side. He had an AirPod in his right ear and in his left hand, two water bottles, "First off, you wanted to learn self-defence. Secondly, we agreed to spending time together outside of the journal you're obsessing over, and third-"

"It's five o'clock in the freaking morning, maybe?!" Marley hissed, hugging herself with drooping eyes, "Take me back to Bryan's and carry me back to bed and tuck me in and give me a kiss on the forehead and I'll consider that a reasonable apology."

Aiden chuckled, "For someone who gets up early for school no problem you sure aren't a morning person."

She shot him a dry look, "Because it's for school. I like school. I don't like being...active." Marley shuddered at the thought. That's always been more Gabby's thing.

"You said you wanted to feel powerful in your own skin."

"My skin is just fine the way it is."

"You said you wanted to know how to protect yourself."

Marley waved a hand over her boyfriend tiredly, "You can do it. I'm okay being the damsel in distress if it means I get to go back to sleep now."

Aiden leaned in to kiss her temple, "You're a strong, powerful, independent woman, Marley Hoover. You also happen to look so gorgeous in tight workout clothes."

She wrinkled her nose at him. Aiden stood from where he was crouched on the parking lot. They were parked outside of an indoor gym and running track that Aiden has a membership for. They're mostly going for the track, given that he has a personal gym at home he prefers.

And Marley has been nothing short of digging her heels in the whole way, but somehow Aiden managed to convince her into a quick healthy breakfast, getting dressed and tying her hair up. He had to carry her to his car but the fact that he managed to take her anywhere at this time of morning was an accomplishment.

Now, however, it was all sinking in that going to a track involves running and Marley really doesn't run.

"Please take me home," she whined after an embarrassingly loud yawn, "All I need to learn is how to throw a punch. Where to put my thumb and all that."

"In your mouth is where it belongs this morning, baby."

She shot out to shove his shoulder, sticking out her tongue and proving his point exactly. Aiden reached over to unbuckle her seatbelt, "We're flying back to camp this afternoon. Enough time for a nap beforehand, and you can even sleep on the plane if you want to. I also promised Starbucks after we're done here."

Marley rubbed the misting away from her eyes with balled fists, "Can't we do this in the afternoon? Or maybe never-o'clock?"

Aiden laughed, taking a step back and gesturing for her to leave his passenger seat, "Learning self-defence is about more than teaching you how to throw a punch. You have to have the stamina, the endurance, and the physical strength to perform what I teach you. It would also make me feel better, knowing that you can take care of yourself."

Marley peered up at him, "Nice speech. Let's reconvene after eleven."

"Nice try." he grinned. It's five am and the guy's bright eyed and bushy tailed. Marley's beginning to think he's not human. "Morning exercise has better long-term results, boosts metabolism, improves focus and productivity, and helps you sleep better."

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