(79) Catch And Release

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Double update: 78 and 79


"My problem is that he isn't the kind of guy to dip out, you know? He seemed committed to this job and then quits out of the blue? I'm told not to worry but I can't help it. He's going through a hard time with his son and his ex," Marley ranted, adjusting in bar stool and facing the curly haired guy beside her, who had his chin in his hand, nodding along and seeming interested.

Gabby was the only one against going, but Kelly, Bree, Tristan and Sarah were practically racing out the doors in heels and dresses shorter than Aiden's fuse.

The club they were in was definitely not meant for underage girls but at Eve disappearing with one of the bouncers for five minutes and returning with an excited grin, they were immediately allowed to pass through.

Marley immensely admired Eve's way with words in persuasion. After a constant scowl the smile he gave all of them was like night versus day.

"-and I don't think the leaving is a coincidence-"

The guy beside her rubbed his hand over his face, "I'm going to have to stop you right there. Even you're not worth having to hear this. You wanna dance or not?" He downed at shot at the speed of light, giving her a once-over with an eager expression shadowed and coloured by the lights bouncing across the crowded room.

Marley recoiled at the staggering switch that was just flipped, a sting of hurt following. She balled her fists, "I have a boyfriend."

The guy's hands flew up, "Fucking serious?! I've been listening to you yap for nothing-"

"Hey there. Why don't I cheer you up?" Sarah came out of nowhere, sliding a hand along his shoulders and batting mascara coated lashes.

She looked stunning tonight - her curvy frame accentuated perfectly by a grey body-con dress that was glimmering against her pale skin. Her face was done up with flawless makeup and a beautiful nude eyeshadow; Marley is truly learning new terms every day relating to the 532 billion dollar cosmetic industry.

Sarah winked at Marley and mouthed a thank you as the guy nearly dashed out of his seat, barely giving Sarah a glance as she led him to the crowded dance floor.

The music was loud but not in a devastating way, and the counter of the bar was covered in pennies that added allure to the atmosphere. It seemed like a place that had been here for a long time by the character behind notes and writings left on the walls, and the aged feel to everything. A DJ was working the dance floor with shouts of encouragement to the dancers for a young, college-aged audience.

Marley was still a little hurt by guy number six's blatant dismissal of her. Most of her co-workers she's spoken to about the affect of alcohol on various organs and brain activity as all of the exchange of it interested her in the topic, found some discreet way of walking away until she was alone.

Sarah was obviously grinding on whatever moved, Kelly was taking Snapchats left and right to leave on her story, hoping Ryan will see and 'realize he fucked up', and Tristan has spoken to every Tall, Dark and Handsome who would offer her a free drink.

It was now ten pm. Marley was hoping conversation with anyone would count as 'being a bad bitch ready to prove it', but that wasn't working so far.

Without liquid courage, Marley wasn't sure this would be her scene at all.

It didn't help that she tends to ramble when she's nervous and the crowds around her were making her extremely so. Even Bree - the other girl here who was in a committed relationship and stuck by her for the majority of the night - was now hanging out with Marley's co-workers more effortlessly than she ever had.

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