(41) A Whiny Night Owl And The Sociopathic, Creepy Portuguese Twins

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Q: What is your favourite 'ship' of the story? It can be a friendship, between a couple, or even relatives...etc. Any form of relationship between two people in Cabin Fever that you find the most entertaining/love the most? You can comment one or many 😁


Marley got Noah.

Out of all the names of all the 190 students in their cabin, she pulled the name of the guy that Aiden probably hates. The one who tried to slip in when they were on a break.

The one he almost fought.

Now, Marley has to buy him a gift of up to twenty dollars.


The paper she slipped into her back pocket felt like it was red hot as she sat with the girls while the guys' cabin - or the strong members, anyway - were enlisted to grab the boxes of decorations for the trees they would be decorating.

Though honestly, Marley didn't have it bad compared to Sarah.

"Fucking Trish," she growled out, tossing her slip of paper on the table as if it was poison.

"Get her a box of rat traps." Tristan suggested, comfortable with the name she pulled. Whatever name that was.

Gabby looked a bit ticked off as well, but the girls were all trying to keep theirs under wraps. Sarah obviously broke, though, but that was a given considering the person she had chosen.

"How about I get her a card that says 'Go the fuck away to the psych ward you sick bitch. Happy holidays!' You think Hallmark will come in clutch?"

Marley rolled her eyes at Sarah's typical dramatics as the redhead retreated to her phone, either on Spotify or looking for devious gift ideas.

"Well I got someone who will probably strain my relationship so consider yourself lucky, Sarah," Marley muttered, watching every head at the table shoot to her.

"Who'd you get?" Gabby demanded from beside her, while the others stared expectantly.

Deciding to break the one rule of Secret Santa, Marley sighed, "Noah."

Sarah was the first one to start laughing loudly while the rest of the girls simply snorted and guffawed.

"Happy that you're spending money on a guy who tried to swoop while you and Aiden were on a break?" Bree questioned humorously.

Marley sighed with a shake of her head, "I'll just buy something platonic, like an ornament or candy and try to keep things uncomplicated."

"At least you're actually in a relationship," Tristan piped up dryly, dropping the cookie that she had hovered over her mouth back on her plate unceremoniously.

"You're with Brendan. I don't see the issue?" Kelly questioned from her place next to Marley.

Tristan's hazel eyes snapped to lock on her brown ones, "I've been trying to bring it up but he doesn't seem to have any interest in being official. He gets laid and unless I want to converse right in the middle of that then there's no real opportunity."

"Just ask him out," Sarah suggested, popping a handful of red and green M&M's in her mouth, "There's some stupid unspoken rule that only guys can ask girls out but it's not real. Do it yourself. Be the badass feminist you are and take charge."

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